Archive for the Category ◊ Exodus ◊

03 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #145)

Exodus (Program #145) – The Propitiation Silver (1) Formation of an Army, Military Censors, God’s Move

Precious minerals and metals have deep meaning in Scripture.  Gold points us to the holy nature of God Himself and bronze or brass typifies His righteous judgment.  Silver is also a clear type of the redeeming Christ, our Savior.  But the silver is not only meaningful for our initial redemption, it also typifies the very Christ that we experienced and then can offer to God for His satisfaction.  We will see more on today’s life study of the Bible.

02 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #144)

Exodus (Program #144) – The Golden Incense Altar (5 & 6) Strange Fire, Natural Prayers

As Christians all of us have some realization of the need to pray.   Many sermons were given every Sunday encouraging God’s people to pray.  But sadly for too many, after a few short feeble pleads for God to give us this or that, we quickly tired and prayer is over.  There is another kind of prayer experience even a prayer life that God desires to bring His people into.  But not only does He desires us to be strengthened in our prayer life, He is actually is waiting for us to enter into this intercessory prayer before He will move on earth to accomplish divine purpose.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible.

01 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #143)

Exodus (Program #143) – The Golden Incense Altar (4) Appreciation of the Two Altars, Two Altars in our Experience

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”  This is a frequently quoted passage from Matthew chapter 6.  Of course, in context “all theses things” refer to our practical and physical needs and the promise is very clear; if we are occupied by seeking God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, we need not be consumed with praying for our own needs.  But what is it to seek the kingdom and God’s righteousness?

31 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #142)

Exodus (Program #142) – The Golden Incense Altar (3) Incarnated God and Intercession

The clear message of the Bible is that God needs man to assist Him in His move.  For this God calls man.  The question is “what can we do to assist God in this move?”  What is it that He is looking for man in carrying out in His move?  The answer can be seen by understanding the types and pictures of the Old Testament, particularly in the book of Exodus.

30 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #141)

Exodus (Program #141) – The Golden Incense Altar (2) Need for Intercession and Prayer Life of the Corporate Christ

Romans 8:34 tells us that right now Christ is at the right hand of God interceding for us.  Intercession is an interesting word.  Of course, the common definition is prayer.  But the kind of prayer Christ is offering on behalf of us is not just common prayer.  The incense altar in the tabernacle in Exodus typifies this specific and most meaningful prayer.  Today we will see that Christ is waiting for us to join Him at the real altar of incense.

29 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #140)

Exodus (Program #140) – The Golden Incense Altar (1) (Place, Location, God’s Administration, and Prayer Life of the Corporate Christ)

Our God is administrating the entire universe. The central point of His administration is seen by the Old Testament picture of the incense altar in the tabernacle from the book of Exodus.  Stay with us today as we look at the central point of God’s administration.

Our God is certainly not a passive God, but rather One that is full of purpose.  It’s a common questions among believers and even many unsaved that are not sure about God.   That is, they want to know what is God doing what is it all about…

28 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #139)

Exodus (Program #139) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (9)

As Christians we all know that our salvation in Christ is presented throughout the pages of the New Testament.  The gospels show us the savior in His humanity and the epistles open up the content of God’s eternal plan and purpose.  So why then do we even need the Old Testament?  Is it just for the stories and lessons that we can learn by studying the inspirational lives of great men?  The answer must be an emphatically “No”.  For it is in the Old Testament that we can see  many details concerning Christ and our own experience of Christ that cannot be seen in the New Testament.  These details like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle when properly assembled present us the most complete picture of the riches of a genuine life in Christ.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible.

27 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #138)

Exodus (Program #138) – Genesis Program 93, Life-study of Genesis 79

If you were with us yesterday near the end of our program, we touched the matter of drink offering as it appears in Exodus 29.   The Lord certainly came in at that point of our fellowship.  We touched something very special.   During the life study of Genesis we came to the drink offering where it was first mentioned in chapter 35.  At that time as well, the Lord poured out a very special portion.  We decided to go back today and take a short break from Exodus and revisit that broadcast from Genesis 35 and Jacob’s drink offering to Jehovah.

26 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #137)

Exodus (Program #137) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (8)

Most of the time when we come to God it’s because we need something.  Our needs can be outward or material, inward or spiritual.  God’s measure to us for our real need is always the same; He offers us Christ to meet our every need.  But Exodus revealed that God not only offered something to us, He is also looking for us to offer something to Him for His satisfaction.  “What do I have that God could possibly want”, you might ask.  Stay us today for the surprising answer.

25 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #136)

Exodus (Program #136) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (7)

Exodus chapter 28 and 29 gave us a detailed picture of how the priests prepare themselves for the services in the tabernacle.  But it’s the goal of that preparation that is most interesting.  Following the elaborate washing and dressing, came a time of feasting, both for God and man.  Once again, the unveiling of the details in Exodus provide us with real help in our own enjoyment with Savior Christ.
