11 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #117)

Genesis (Program #117) – The Spiritual Significance of Dan, Gad, Asher, and Naphtali

Quite a lovely picture as Jacob gathered his 12 sons together to deliver a blessing.  Today we are going to focus on the group of Dan, Gad, Asher and Naphtali.  Regarding Jacob’s speaking of these blessings, Jacob is not giving moral exhortation and surely he is not engaging in an exercise of eloquence or natural speaking ability.  In sharp contrast, Jacob is prophesying by speaking forth blessings upon his 12 sons.  In order to speak with blessings in this way, we need to reach a stage that we are mature in the divine life.  This speaking is full of life, is full of insight.  It is profoundly accurate and amazing in the way it unveils as a whole God’s economy with His people…

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