18 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #13)

Romans (Program #13) – The Bondage of the Law in Our Flesh (1)

Today we come to the wonderful truth in Romans chapter 7. Though a little difficult to understand, if any Christian sees the truth in this chapter, his Christian life will be liberated and revolutionized and he will know the real way to experience Christ.

Today we are coming to one of the most critical and striking of all the messages in this life study of Romans.  We will be brought into a view today that will surprise and enlighten us very much.

Romans chapter 7 is a continuation of Paul’s explaining to the Romans how they can live in grace… Abraham was justified by faith, but then God expected him to enjoy grace to bring forth Isaac, and this Isaac is the experience of Christ. This is a continuation of explaining how you can practically experience living this kind of life and grace. And in particular, in this chapter, he stresses how we are free from the law…

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