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30 Jan 2023 Daniel (Program #13)

Daniel (Program #13) – Human Government Fighting Against God and Being Crushed by Christ in His Coming With His Bride

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just snuff out His enemy Satan and all of His evil and corrupt followers with just the tip of His finger?  Of course as the all powerful and all mighty One, He could do it this way.  But in His infinite wisdom and eternal plan, God has chosen another way.  A way that involves His redeemed and chosen elect, in other words – us.  We will examine this marvelous mystery in today’s life-study of Daniel.

A mysterious and marvelous romance is revealed throughout the Bible.  To understand this mystery we have to know that the whole Bible is a divine romance.  In the beginning of the Bible,  you have a marriage between Adam and his wife Eve and in the end of the Bible we see the same thing.  Christ marries His Bride and this Bride consummates in the New Jerusalem who is the wife of the Lamb.  And Christ and His wife lives a married life for eternity.  That is the way the Bible ends.  We can see from the beginning to the end the whole Bible is a romance and this romance is developed from Genesis through Revelation…
