Tag-Archive for ◊ dove ◊

14 May 2023 John (Program #10)

John (Program #10) – An Introduction to Life and Building (6)

Christ as a man is the letter that opens the heavens, that joins the earth to heaven, and that brings heaven down to earth.

When John the Baptist said, “Behold, the Lamb of God”, two disciples were attracted. Not two thousand, but two. Not even twenty, but two. Two of John’s disciples got attracted, and John was happy. Who were these two? One of these two was Andrew. Who was the other one? John. And then Andrew got attracted, and Andrew went to catch his brother Peter. And, Peter came. The Lord Jesus changed his name from Simon to Cephas, which means Peter. And Peter, or Cephas, means a stone. The book of John is a book of allegories. The Lamb, the dove, the stone. This signifies the Lamb plus the dove produces the stone. Redemption plus regeneration and transformation produces stone…

13 May 2023 John (Program #9)

John (Program #9) – An Introduction to Life and Building (5)

God’s economy is not to have a giant, litter with power to accomplish some movement. No.  God’s economy is to send His son to be the little lamb with His Spirit as the little dove.

The main subject of this message is Christ as the Lamb of God with the Spirit as the dove to produce stones for God’s building. If I would ask you, what are the main points or main things in this title?  Number one, Jesus as the Lamb of God. You have to pick up Lamb. The second point, the dove. And the third point, stone. And the fourth point, the house or the building of the house. What is the last item? The Son of Man. These are the five main points: the Lamb for redemption, the dove for anointing and uniting, the stone for material, and the house as the building, and the man as the very substance. The substantial element of God’s building is man…
