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29 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #33)

Exodus (Program #33) – God’s Dealing with the Flesh of His People

Chapter 16 of Exodus is a chapter in one sense a miracle, two great miracles in fact; first the Lord sent thousands and thousands of quail in the wind to His people for a meal of flesh.  The other miracle is that on the following day, they people awoke to find the ground covered with small round wafers called Manna, bread from heaven that would miraculous feed His people for 40 years.  One way to study this passage is to examine the miracles that God wrought and marvel at His great power to do such miracles.  Another way is to see the divine revelation of the Scriptures in the way of life.

For 400 years, God’s people lived in Egypt and understandably they really became Egyptians in their constitution and particularly in their diet.   But once God brought them out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, He was very definite they could not continue the Egyptian life.  What was His wise way reconstituting them?
