Tag-Archive for ◊ enemy ◊

13 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #48)

Exodus (Program #48) – Amalek Versus Kingship

Sin is a wicked and despicable thing.  The Bible condemn sin and as believers we must also condemn.  But sin is not the only enemy that we face in the Christian life.  In fact it may not even be the biggest enemy.  So then what constitute the main hindrance to believers and what is God’s remedy?

As we continue to look at Amalek, a formidable and very resilient adversary for God’s Old Testament people.  Formidable indeed.   We appreciate a faithful ministry that not only unveils Christ but exposes the flesh and applies the cross to it according to the divine revelation.  So we look to the Lord to bless this program and our fellowship so that the real seekers of the Lord and His Word, who had been hindered by the flesh for so long may receive life, grace and life supply that they may overcome and press on with the Lord to the consummation of His economy.

11 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #46)

Exodus (Program #46) – The Defeat of Amalek

To be sure, the Old Testament book of Exodus gives us a complete picture of God’s full salvation, from the Passover, a full type of our redemption in Christ to the feeding of God’s people with the heavenly manna and satisfying them from the flowing water from the smitten rock.  All of our genuine experiences of our Christian life are marvelously depicted.  But the picture will not be complete without the experience of the victory of Christ against the enemy of God’s people.  The battle is engaged on today’s program.

We have come to a point in Exodus that is very meaningful.  We are about to see God’s people, the nation of Israel engage in battle for the first time since their exodus out of Egypt.  Here are some excerpts of a few verses in chapter 17:8, 9, 10, 13 “Then Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim.  And Moses said to Joshua, Choose men for us, and go out; fight with Amalek…. So Joshua did as Moses had said to him and fought with Amalek…. And Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.”  Some who has been following this life study closely may take issue with us in saying that this portion depict the first account of Israel fighting against the enemy.  Because they surely had an encounter with the army of Pharaoh on the occasion of their exit out of Egypt.  Why do we say that this is really their first battle?

26 Oct 2022 Isaiah (Program #19)

Isaiah (Program #19) – Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (4 & 5)

The Bible reveals that God has a plan or an economy.  It also reveals that God has an enemy bend on the frustration of His accomplishing that plan.  Between these two is mankind, include even God’s elect.  What strategy does God’s enemy employ to delay and frustrate God in His unfailing pursue of this goal?  That’s the focus on today’s broadcast and is also the focus of much of our daily struggle in the Christian life.  Stay with us for a very enlightening program on the life study of the Bible.

14 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #3)

Ezra (Program #3) – The Return of the Captivity under the Priestly Leadership of Ezra

Deep within every Christian, there is a desire to be free from any kind of captivity of the enemy, Satan. If you agree with that, then you would want to stay with us right here for the next half hour as we discuss the return of the captivity under the priestly leadership of Ezra.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, we call these books the recovery books because according to the history that is presented in the Old Testament before Ezra at end of the books of Chronicles, God’s people Israel had been carried away from the land of Israel into the land of Babylon – so they were there in their captivity. And then a certain time God came in to bring a remnant, a small number not all of them but a small number back to the land of Israel, the good land that He had given to their forefathers. So these we call the recovery and these books we call the recovery books.

27 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #14)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #14) – The History Concerning David (2)

Throughout the ages, many have opposed God and oppressed His people. On one hand, it could be said that God has many enemies; but actually God has only one unique enemy – man. Man fights against God and this man is the flesh. The teaching regarding the flesh is found in many New Testament books and passages like Galatians 5 that tells us that, “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; for these oppose each other that you would not do the things that you desire.” But it takes the Old Testament pictures and types to illustrate how we all are subject to the evil of the flesh and how diligent we all must be to keep it where the Lord Jesus left crucified on the cross. If our eyes are open, we will see these Old Testament books such as 1 Samuel in a different, fresh and very new way that brings these things into a sharper focus.

06 May 2022 Judges (Program #6)

Judges (Program #6) – The Miserable History of Israel’s Forsaking God (5)

In the varied history of the nation of Israel that is recorded in the book of Judges, we have of course the interesting and well known story of Samson.  Endued with the power of the Spirit, he was mighty and fierce in his struggle against Israel’s enemy the Philistines but he had a very specific failure that gave Satan, God’s real enemy the ground to tempt him and and ultimately defeated him. Of course the beautiful Philistines woman, Delilah  typifies this failure.  Samson indulgence of the lust of his flesh led to his down fall. The story of Samson and the warning that we as God’s people today must take from this case is our topic on this life study of the Bible.

11 Mar 2022 Numbers (Program #21)

Numbers (Program #21) – Fighting (2)

We all know the story of Israel’s forty-year long journey in the wilderness.  Their journey, though unnecessary long, wasn’t aimless or without a goal.  They had a definite destination, the good land, the land of Emmanuel, today’s Israel.  This land as we have seen before, is a type and even a picture of Christ, of our Christ, who is our goal and destination.  But as we’ve seen, God also has an enemy who opposes Him and frustrates His people, bringing in a kind of warfare in the spiritual realm.  The book of Numbers touches this warfare repeatedly.  Today we come to chapter 22 where the tactic employed by Satan against God’s people Israel changes dramatically,  This program is full of much insight.  We really pray that the Lord would shine in this word today.

21 Jun 2021 Galatians (Program #39)

Galatians (Program #39) – Walking in the Divine Rules and Steps By the Spirit

Great religions are present in virtually every corner of the earth. For the most part, they’re sincere, stress good, ethical, and moral teaching that are consistent with those of the Bible. Along side the great religions of the world stand culture and tradition. These three (religion, culture, and tradition) represent the highest and most noble attainments of human life. Yet, it is these three very positive things that God’s enemy specifically uses to distract and divert men from God and from His purpose. You will not want to miss today’s marvelous unfolding of the Word of God from the book of Galatians.
