Tag-Archive for ◊ feast ◊

20 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #131)

Exodus (Program #131) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (2) Sin Offering and the Way to Feast on Christ

Many items of the Old Testament are later associated with Christ in the New Testament.  Among the most frequently discussed items are the offerings that became part of the service in the tabernacle and later the temple.  What do these Old Testament animal offerings have to do with our Savior Christ and with our own experience of His divine life in us?

We are in the section of the life study of Exodus now that touches the offerings.  The offerings of the Old Testament have long been connected to, or associated with Christ.  The New Testament does make it clear that Christ on the cross was the real fulfillment of many of these offerings, like the sin offering and trespass offering that we will see today.

01 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #6)

Acts (Program #6) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (1)

The book of Acts is well known for many miraculous things, particularly those associated with the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, like speaking in tongues. But, are those really the focus or subject of this marvelous book linking the four Gospels with the great Epistles. Stay with us today as we being a lengthy unfolding of the subject of the book of Acts, the propagation of the resurrected and ascended Christ.

19 Feb 2023 Micah (Program #2)

Micah (Program #2) – Jehovah’s Comfort to Israel

The Prophet Micah in the Old Testament speaks of God’s reprove and chastisement of Israel in a very poetic language.

Chapter 1:3-4 “For Jehovah is about to come forth from His place, And He will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth. And the mountains will be melted under Him, And the valleys will be cleft, Like wax before fire, Like water poured down a slope.”

These sobering words caused Micah to weep but as with other prophets Micah also speaks of God’s comforting of His people.  Which ultimately comes at the end of this age in what the prophets of all spoke as the restoration. A coming age when there will be no need of weapons for all the enemies will be gone and Christ will rule, shepherd and protect His people while His people feast and rejoice in loving worship of Him for a thousand years.

24 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #60)

Hebrews (Program #60) – Enjoying the Hidden Manna in the Presence of God

In your experience, does it seem that God is far off from you? That you really love Him and want to serve Him, but it seems you’re not as close to Him as you would like to be. If so, today’s message will help you draw near to God.

We are going to focus on our program today on eating the spiritual food.  The spiritual food is a concept that most of the Christians hold.  But you heard varying interpretations of what that really is.  What is it to feast upon the Lord or to eat Christ as our spiritual food?

30 Nov 2021 Colossians (Program #21)

Colossians (Program #21) – Christ the Body of All Shadows and Christ versus Mysticism

Paul the Apostle is marvelous in his writing in the book of Colossians. He begins with a universal presentation of Christ, and not just Christ, but Christ in us the hope of glory. But then he turns and becomes very practical in leading us into the genuine experience of such a Christ. Listen to verses 16 and 17 in Chapter 2, “Let no one therefore judge you in eating and in drinking or in respect of a feast or of a new moon or of the Sabbath, which are a shadow of the things to come, but the body is of Christ”. Here, he begins to remove things like the law and angels and anything else that represents God to us in an indirect way. For God’s desire is that nothing stands between us and Him no matter how good or how religious it may seem.
