Blog Archives

23 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #9)

1 Peter (Program #9) -The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (7)

In chapter one of his epistle Peter contrasts our former way of living or literally our manner of life which was vain with our present manner of life, we should be holy. Vain of course means empty, without meaning.

Well, all of us must surely confess that our life before we were regenerated were categorized by sin. But Peter points out that even more our life were vain, empty and without purpose. Yet we had been called to a holy manner of life.

14: “..Do not be fashioned,” Peter writes, “according to the former lusts in your ignorance;”

15 “But according to the Holy One who called you, you yourselves also be holy in all your manner of life;”

How can we have such a living, such a manner of life that becomes holy? Peter’s further word in this chapter becomes a very great help to us.

22 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #8)

1 Peter (Program #8) -The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (6)

All genuine Christian experience is based on truth. The truth or reality convey in Scripture forms the base or foundation of all our real spiritual experience. Peter’s first epistle in the New Testament very much illustrates this point. The first twelve verses in chapter one lay out some of the great truth of the whole Bible.  Such as our being chosen according to the foreknowledge of God and our being regenerated unto a living hope and unto an incorruptible, undefiled and unfading inheritance, an inheritance that Peter shows us should be our portion, not just in eternity but also today. The in verse thirteen Peter goes on to tell us that based upon all these rich divine truths, we should gird up the loins of our mind and soberly set our hope on the grace that is ours at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

If we take Peter’s way, if we give ourselves to the word in this way, we will find that our own love and experience of the Lord as well as our love for one another will be greatly enriched and strengthened as well.

20 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #6)

1 Peter (Program #6) – The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (4)

Even though Peter’s entire contribution to the New Testament only comprises eight chapters, the scope of his writing was extremely broad.  In his first epistle he incorporates both the prophecies of the ancient Old Testament prophets and the preaching and teaching of the New Testament apostles and links both of these in the Holy Spirit’s application of God’s full salvation upon His chosen people.

19 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #5)

1 Peter (Program #5) – The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (3)

In his first epistle, the apostle Peter compared the testing or proving of our faith with the refining process that purifies gold.   Gold, precious and valuable as it is,  is still a perishable commodity.  Yet our faith must stand the test even of eternity.  Surely if something temporary such as gold must pass through the fire of refinement, our faith which is a far more precious possession must also be tested, refined, purified and proved.

18 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #4)

1 Peter (Program #4) – The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (2)

In his epistles the apostle Peter frequently mentions the matter of salvation.   but he does so in a context that somewhat different than how most Christians normally think of salvation.  For example  in chapter 1:5 he say “a salvation ready to be revealed at the last time.”  Of course, our common thought is that salvation was revealed to us when we believed and received Christ as our Savior.  Then in chapter 2:2, Peters says that salvation is something that we grow into.  Once again, the typical thought is that salvation is what we received once for all at the moment we believed.  Well in fact there is a real measure of truth to the salvation that we received when we first expressed our faith in the Lord Jesus.  But, and this is a crucial but,  the salvation that Peter refer to repeatedly in his writings involves much more than just our initial salvation.

17 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #3)

1 Peter (Program #3) – The Full Salvation of the Triune God and Its Issues (1)

In the books of 1 & 2 Peter often a single word can add much richness and meaning to what is being said.  For example, Peter begins his first epistle by pointing  us to the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus.  This word sprinkling was surely used to remind the Hebrew believers that he was writing to of how the sprinkling of the blood of goats and sheep that they were familiar with in the Old Testament Jewish religion was simply or merely a type, a foreshadowing of the real eternal offering of the blood of Christ.  His was the sprinkling that accomplished far more than the temporary atonement of the sacrifices in the Old Testament.  For this sprinkling guarantees our full possession of all the benefits and blessings of the entire new covenant from now and for eternity.

16 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #2)

1 Peter (Program #2) – The Operation of the Triune God Upon the Elect for Their Participation in His Full Salvation

The story of the Lord’s calling of the apostle Peter as is recorded in the gospel of John includes and intriguing unusual component; he changes his name from Simon to Cephas which literally means a stone. This is John chapter 1: 40-42
1:40 “One of the two who heard this from John and followed Him was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.

41 “He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, We have found the Messiah (which translated means Christ).”

42 “He led him to Jesus. Looking at him, Jesus said, You are Simon, the son of John; you shall be called Cephas (which is interpreted, Peter).

Of course nothing of God’s genuine work is accomplished merely in name only. And so the changing of this poor Galilean fisherman’s name from Simon to something so solid and permanent, as Peter, a stone for God’s building is full of meaning. And it implies that God has much more in mind for Peter than simply saving him from his sins. For both Peter’s transformation and the accomplishment of God’s very eternal purpose is hinted at in this symbolic act.

15 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #1)

1 Peter (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

Of all the disciples called by the Lord Jesus in the gospels, probably the one we can most readily identify with is Peter. Simon Barjona as he was known before the Lord changed his name to Peter. In John chapter 1 was as impetuous as he was fervent and often found himself as the target of the Lord Jesus’ reprove.

Recall for example in Matthew chapter 16, Peter’s sympathetic suggestion to the Lord that He should keep Himself from the suffering of death that He knew awaited Him. “get behind Me, Satan” was the Lord’s reply. “You are a stumbling block to Me, for you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of men.” How could Peter possibly recovered from such a stinging rebuke?

And of course it was also Peter, who denied the Lord three times during the hour of trial preceding the actual crucifixion. Yet only days later it was this same Peter who stood on the day of Pentecost and usher thousands into the kingdom with his powerful and dynamic speaking.

And not only so, in his two epistles, Peter uses language and phrases so rich and full of high and profound meaning that we can’t help but marvel at the power of God’s full salvation. That this unlearned fisherman could write such thing. Listen to his word in 1 Peter,

1:18 “Knowing that it was not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, that you were redeemed from your vain manner of life handed down from your fathers,

19 “But with precious blood, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ;

Welcome to our first life-study of the book of 1 Peter.

09 May 2022 Ruth (Program #2)

Ruth (Program #2) – Ruth’s Exercising Her Right

The book of Ruth is a rare delight.  It’s the sweet love story of a girl with a dark background but who through the mercy of Jehovah and through her own strong choice found a way to join herself to God, to His people and to His move on the earth.  In the process she even found a marvelous husband, a provider. But more than just the stuff of great stories are made up, the book of Ruth shows us much about ourselves and the full salvation that God is providing us and how we too can exercise to choose what He is offering to gain access to the rich inheritance that God desires all of His children to share.

29 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #34)

Hebrews (Program #34) – The Indestructible Life

We should really open to the Lord and to the Word, and to this ministry, to learn more, appreciate more, and experience and enjoy more of Christ as our High Priest.  The New Testament book of Hebrews shows us a kingly and majestic view of Christ in His priesthood – offering, ministering, and saving.  These three functions of our heavenly High Priest will open up our heart and uplift our appreciation of God’s full salvation.
