Tag-Archive for ◊ instructions ◊

21 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #132)

Exodus (Program #132) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (3) Redemption and Germination, Sanctification by Hands Filled

The record given in Exodus is very detailed about many spiritual matters, like the service of the Old Testament priesthood.  Chapter 29 in fact began this way “And this is what you shall do to them to sanctify them to serve Me as priests..”.  The following verses gave items after items of instructions.  But no where in the New Testament do we find such an account of how to sanctify the New Testament priests or even how to serve as the New Testament priests.  Yet the Bible clearly tells us that all the believers in Christ are the real priests.

26 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #26)

Luke (Program #26) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (5)

We are all familiar with the Lord’s prayer.  It is covered in both Matthew and Luke.  But it’s interesting that here in the gospel of Luke immediately following the Lord’s marvelous training of His disciples not just merely in how to pray but how to pray themselves into God, He find Himself in a conflict with demons and dealing with mass rejections.

25 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #25)

Luke (Program #25) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (4)

In Luke 11, the disciples find the Lord Jesus praying to the Father. They take the opportunity to ask the Lord to teach them how to pray. No doubt thinking that if they receive the proper instruction then they would soon enter into a realm where they received answers to all their prayers. Well, we need to ask ourselves, what is it to pray? Is it just to make our needs and requests known to God and then wait in faith for Him to grant all of our requests? Well, we will get light today from the Gospel of Luke chapter 11 that we have likely never received. We come to this message from Luke on today’s life study of the Bible.

26 Sep 2022 Proverbs (Program #9)

Proverbs (Program #9) – Using Proverbs for Building Up the New Man

When we come to the book of Proverbs in the Bible we need to see that the place that the book of Proverbs placed in God’s economy.  According to God’s economy, Proverbs should not be used to build up the Old Man.  The big Proverbs are like nuggets and the small ones are like gems and they are not for us to build up our Old Man to cultivate ourselves and our natural man.  Rather they are for us to build up our New Man.  It’s for this purpose that the Proverbs are useful.  While we are still living in this body on the earth we need the Proverbs to give us instructions on how to live rightly in so many aspects in order to build up our New Man.

23 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #10)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #10) – The History Concerning Saul (2)

During every period of history it is important to realize God is operating behind the scenes for the accomplishment of His eternal purpose.  When Israel’s first king, Saul was anointed by the priest Samuel, he was confronted with three enemies that were troubling Israel. Jehovah was there working behind the scenes.  And He gave Saul specific instructions how to deal with each of these enemies.  How Saul carried out these instructions gives us a clear window into what was in Saul’s heart, and what kind of king he would turned out to be for Israel.  The first enemy Saul confronted were the Ammonites.
