Blog Archives

05 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #30)

Psalms (Program #30) –  The Psalmist’s Love for the House of God with Christ

Psalms 84 is a lovely expression of the Psalmist’s intense love and longing for God’s house.  “How lovely are Your tabernacle.” he writes.  “Oh Jehovah of hosts, my soul longs even faints for the cores of Jehovah.”  As this wonderful Psalm develops it becomes clear just what it is regarding God’s house that draws him so.  For it’s here, in God’s habitation which in His time was the tabernacle but today we realizes it’s the church that we find Christ.  It is Him that we long for and desire above all else.  Of course, this Psalm also shows us that on the way to God’s house, the journey brings us through many stations, like a valley of weeping and eventually to the two altars that reside in the tabernacle,.

29 Mar 2022 Deuteronomy (Program #7)

Deuteronomy (Program #7) – A Book Concerning Christ

Deuteronomy is a book very much concern with the good land. For 40 years the children of Israel journeyed with the goal of entering into the good land of Canaan. All that they had experience and passed through was for this. And for us as Christians we need to understand that good land represents the goal of our journey as well. Because the good land is a type of our all inclusive Christ.

Listen to the description of it that is found in Deuteronomy 8:7-10 “For Jehovah your God is bringing you to a good land, a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; A land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey; A land in which you will eat bread without scarcity; you will not lack anything in it; a land whose stones are iron, and from whose mountains you can mine copper.  And you shall eat and be satisfied, and you shall bless Jehovah your God for the good land which He has given you.”

21 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #26)

Hebrews (Program #26) – The Three Stages of Salvation

Today we will see our salvation is a journey much like the children of Israel’s of three stages. It has a goal and that goal is to enter into the Sabbath rest.

According to the divine revelation, God’s salvation is in three stages. The children of Israel experienced these three stages on their way into the Good Land. The picture painted by their experience in the Old Testament provides us with a road map into the full salvation of God in our spirit. We’ll look at these three stages of salvation in today’s life study of the Bible.

Hebrews is a New Testament book but it draws upon many Old Testament types and pictures to convey it’s New Testament message. We’re going to follow the exodus of the Israelites today.  A quick sketch of this story including the parallel to the three parts of man as they related to the three stages that the children of Israel passed through…

01 Mar 2022 Numbers (Program #11)

Numbers (Program #11) – Journeying (1)

Both Romans and Galatians in the New Testament talk about being led by the Spirit.  It is safe to say that all serious Christians desires the Lord’s leading.  But to be led by the Spirit is not that easy because the Spirit is abstract even obscure to us at times.  Most often we find ourselves not really under His leading at all but wondering somewhat aimlessly trying to find Him.  There is a wonderful picture of being led by the Spirit that we can learn something from in the Old Testament book of Numbers.  It’s here that the Lord led His people Israel through the wilderness by means of being a visible cloud to them during the day and by being a cloud of fire at night.  We will see just what this cloud and fire mean to us as believers on our program today.

08 Apr 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #20)

2 Corinthians (Program #20) – Shining the Glory of the New Covenant (1)

The Bible is very rich in the many titles that it describe to God. Of course He is the almighty, the God of glory, the all sufficient One and on and on. It opens in Genesis 1 with the Hebrew word, Elohim, meaning the creator of the heavens and the earth. But interestingly at the end of the Bible, in the final chapter, Revelation 22, God is called simply, the Spirit.  But along the way between these two great bookends of the Bible, we see the journey or the process, that God has passed through in time to accomplish His great eternal purpose.
