Tag-Archive for ◊ Lord’s Table ◊

12 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #44)

1 Corinthians (Program #44) – Dealing with the Lord’s Supper

In 1 Corinthians chapter ten, the apostle Paul first addresses the matter of the Lord’s table.

10:16-17 “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the fellowship of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the fellowship of the body of Christ?  Seeing that there is one bread, we who are many are one Body; for we all partake of the one bread.”

But then he moves quickly onto to talk a length about the matter of head covering at the beginning of chapter eleven. Heading covering that is a sign we, the believers are in absolute subjection to the unique headship of Christ. But following this he returns again to the Lord’s table in chapter eleven where he calls it the Lord’s supper and we see it developed in a marvelous and thorough way.

Why then he inserted this fellowship regarding head covering in the midst of his lengthily word regarding the Lord’s table?

09 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #41)

1 Corinthians (Program #41) – The Lord’s Table (1) and (2)

The believers in the church in Corinth were confused by a practical issue – whether or not to eat food that had been offered to idols. Well, in giving opportunity to address it, the apostle Paul took the occasion to bring them into a deeper understanding of reality of eating and drinking. Actually eating and drinking are a kind of fellowship. Fellowship really means to participate, to enjoy. Surely we would all admit it is a good description of eating.

But the spiritual point that we need to come away with in this portion of 1 Corinthians chapter 10 is that we become one with whatever we eat. The old expression – “you are what you eat”, is true both physically and spiritually.

14 Apr 2023 Luke (Program #46)

Luke (Program #46) – The Man-Savior’s Presentation of Himself to Death for Redemption (5)

The Old Testament or Jewish religion focuses on several holy days categorized by feasts. Preeminent among these is the Passover Feast, marking their deliverance from slavery and captivity in Egypt. In Luke, the Lord Jesus, a real Jew instructed His disciples to prepare for a final Passover Feast in the upper room in Jerusalem and then in its’ conclusion He announced the end of the Passover and instituted the first Lord’s Table feast. And He instructed not just to His disciples, but all of us, His New Testament believers to come together and enjoy this feast in remembrance of Him. What is the relationship between the Passover and the Lord’s Table or the Lord’s Supper?  What did He mean when He said “For I tell you I shall by no means drink from now on of the product of the vine until the Kingdom of God comes?”

18 Jan 2023 Mark (Program #18)

Mark (Program #18) – The Move of the Slave-Savior’s Gospel Service (6)

At the certain point in the gospel service of the Slave-Savior, the gospel of Mark gives us a most interesting account.  Traveling far to the North of Jerusalem and even of Galilee, the Lord Jesus and His disciples came to the region of Tyre and Syden, a land not of the Jews but of the gentiles.  Mark chapter 7 and also in Matthew and in chapter 15, we have a story of one such gentile, a woman who approaches Jesus because of the sickness of her daughter. What follows is truly remarkable. It’s an account of the encounter that take place when this woman refuses to be turned away because she lack a proper understanding. And she finds a way using the Lord’s own word to get what she was so desperately seeking.

26 Dec 2022 Matthew (Program #70)

Matthew (Program #70) – A Test to All the People and the Establishing of the Kingdom

Of all the Old Testament practices and rituals, perhaps the most important was the Passover feast. The Lord Jesus, in chapter 26 of Matthew, enjoyed the last Passover feast with His disciples. And He also instituted the first Lord’s Table with His disciples.
