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11 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #43)

1 Corinthians (Program #43) – Dealing with Head Coverings

When the apostle Paul wrote 1 Corinthians, it”s clear that he dealt with many specific problems that were disturbing the believers in Corinth. He addressed these problems in a marvelous way by separating them into two groups.

The first group as we’ve seen covered in the first ten chapters deal with problems in the human life; things like division and argument, dispute between individuals and problems in the married life.

But beginning of chapter eleven he turns to deal with problems that touch things in the spiritual realm. Specifically things that deal with God’s administration in the universe. The first of these spiritual matters is head covering. We may not have much realization about this matter in today’s age. But if we hear Paul’s word on the matter we will get more deeply impressed because it touches the very matter of God’s headship in the universe.

11:3-5 “But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head;”

14 Aug 2021 Ephesians (Program #48)

Ephesians (Program #48) – A Mysterious Type of Christ and the Church

It’s well known among Christians that Ephesians Chapter 5 offers many meaningful and helpful words for married couple embarking on life journey together.  It reads in verse 31 & 32, “For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh.”  But far beyond its’ value for our married life, it actually reveals the longing deep within the heart of God for a counter part for Christ.  “This mystery is great, (Paul continues) but I speak with regard to Christ and the church.

To understand this aspect more fully, we need to return to the very first pages of the Bible on Genesis Chapter 2,  “And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place. And Jehovah God built the rib, which He had taken from the man, into a woman and brought her to the man.”  What did Genesis 2 in Ephesians 5 reveal regarding God’s eternal desire?

13 Aug 2021 Ephesians (Program #47)

Ephesians (Program #47) – Living in the Relationship Between Wife and Husband

If you’ve been to any weddings lately, you very likely may have heard this passage quoted from Ephesians Chapter 5, “Wives, be subject to your own husbands as to the Lord; For a husband is head of the wife as also Christ is Head of the church,… Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”

Yes, this is the exaltation that nearly every Christian couple begins their married life with. Yet as good as these verses are, they neglect one important thing.  How can we do it? How can wives submit? How can husbands love to such a degree? If we don’t offer couples these verses in the context of Chapter 5, including verse 18, we may not be serving them faithfully, in fact we may be setting them up for failure.
