Blog Archives

20 Feb 2023 Micah (Program #3)

Micah (Program #3) – The Greatness of the Prophets in Their Speaking Concerning Christ

Genuine lovers of God’s word have learned that the Old Testament reveals Christ in types and figures and in many places. In fact the Prophets of the Old Testament are particularly rich in the detailed aspects of Christ’s earthly and heavenly ministry revealed in their pages.

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, often what they wrote prophetically had both application to their own situations in their time, as well as a clear reference to the coming One, our dear Lord Jesus. Other passages seen uniquely focus on Christ.  Micah 5:2 is such a passage, “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, So little to be among the thousands of Judah, From you there will come forth to Me, He who is to be Ruler in Israel; And His goings forth are from ancient times, From the days of eternity.”

02 Jan 2023 Mark (Program #2)

Mark (Program #2) – A Word of Introduction (2)

Many people wonder why the Bible gives us four historical accounts of the life and ministry in Jesus. One of reasons is the each of the four gospels portrays Christ in a unique aspect.  For example, Matthew a book on the kingdom of God reveals Christ in His kingship. Luke shows us Christ’s perfect and upright humanity as a genuine man.  John on the other hand stresses the eternal, uncreated life of God as it is revealed in Christ. John is the gospel of Christ’s divinity.

Then what about Mark?  Well, chapter 10:45 gives us a clue,  “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark is wonderful in that it uniquely reveals that Christ lay aside His kingship, His status as God and even His position as a high and honored man to become God’s servant and eventually to become a slave to all mankind giving His life as a ransom for many.

24 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #1)

Jeremiah (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

The prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament was raised up by the Lord during a particularly difficult time in Israel’s history.  During the forty one years during Jeremiah’s ministry, Israel was carried away into exile at least three times. Certainly, this negative history is an important part of the book of Jeremiah but there also is a marvelous aspect to this book as it unveils the restoration of Israel as well as God’s tenderheartedness and righteousness in His care for His chosen people even in the midst of their frequent rebellion. And of course, as it’s always the case in this life study of the Bible, we will see Christ revealed in the context of His divine economy today and throughout this new life study of Jeremiah.

17 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #31)

Matthew (Program #31) – The Result of the King’s Ministry

By the time we come to chapter 11 of the gospel of Matthew, there are three ministries present; the ministry of the Lord Jesus, the ministry of John the Baptist, and the extension of the Lord’s ministry through His disciples.  Yet all three of these ministries are suffering rejection and persecution.  We are going to look at the rejection of the ministrie of the New Testament in today’s life study of the Bible.

16 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #30)

Matthew (Program #30) – The Enlargement of the King’s Ministry (2)

In Matthew chapter 10, the Lord Jesus appointed His 12 apostles.  Later in that chapter, He sent them out to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, enlarging His earthly ministry.  But before He sent them out to the cities of Israel to proclaim this gospel, He first prepared them to be persecuted and rejected by both the religious and political institutions of that time.  This persecution always accompanies the enlargement of the King’s ministry.  As we once again look at the Lord’s sheep in the midst all the wolves of religions and politics.

15 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #29)

Matthew (Program #29) – The Enlargement of the King’s Ministry (1)

The gospel of Matthew is a book that is focused on the kingdom of God, more than just the account of ethical teachings and miraculous events.  This book unveils an environment where the wonderful King of kings can be revealed in so many aspects.

14 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #28)

Matthew (Program #28) – The Continuation of the King’s Ministry (4)

There is a very fascinating account in the New Testament where the diciples of John the Baptist approached Jesus comparing their own religious practices with those of His followers.  The Lord’s response to them was marvelous beyond human wisdom.  What was this mysterious yet divine response?  We will look at it today.

13 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #27)

Matthew (Program #27) – The Continuation of the King’s Ministry (3)

The apostle Matthew had a sinful past and came from an unseemly profession.  Yet the heavenly King with the highest stature not only called him without condemning him, but He also dined in his home in the company of many other lowly, sick sinners.  All the while, the self-righteous and religious look on in disgust.  Don’t miss this view of the intimate calling and salvation of Matthew, the tax collector on today’s life study of the Bible.

12 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #26)

Matthew (Program #26) – The Continuation of the King’s Ministry (2)

In Matthew 8, the Lord Jesus spoke to one of His disciples, indicating that He had nothing, not even a home or a place to rest or lay His head.  But then in the following verses He unveils that what He did possess was absolute authority; authority over the winds and the sea, authority over the demons and even authority to forgive sins.    This our focus on today’s life study of the Bible from the gospel of Matthew.

11 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #25)

Matthew (Program #25) – The Continuation of the King’s Ministry (1)

In Matthew 5, 6 and 7, the Lord Jesus gave a long and detailed speaking regarding the constitution of the kingdom of the heavens.  These well-known passage concludes with these words; “And when Jesus finished these words, the crowds were astounded at His teaching, For He taught them as One having authority and not like their scribes.  And when He came down from the mountain, great crowds followed Him. ”  This is our message today, as we have a turning point in the gospel of Matthew; the ministry of the King continues.
