Tag-Archive for ◊ one with God ◊

03 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #35)

1 Corinthians (Program #35) – Dealing with Marriage Life (3)

When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, it was very hard for those around Him to discern that what He was speaking was actually God’s word. Because unlike the prophets of the Old Testament He spoke as a normal man with normal language and never one time does the Bible record Him using the phrase “doth saith the Lord”. Yet He was the Lord and every one of His word was the word of God. What set Him apart from those of the Old Testament dispensation was incarnation. He wasn’t just speaking for God in the way of prophesy, He was God.  God incarnated to be a man. This principle of incarnation is the unique characteristic of the whole New Testament. Not just man under the influence or inspiration of the Spirit speaking for God but man so one with God in their life, in their living and even in their speaking that their words were God’s words.

1 Corinthians 7 is the chapter that illustrate this principle of incarnation. Not only is it applied to the Lord Jesus but even as it applied to the apostles and the apostle Paul specifically.

14 Dec 2022 Jeremiah (Program #21)

Jeremiah (Program #21) – The Principle of Being One with God

Let me ask you, “What is sin?” As you ponder this great and universal question and before you begin enumerating any number of transgressions that would easily fall into the general category of sin, please consider that the Bible makes a clear distinction between “sin” and “sins”. Sins are the by products of the principle of sin. So, once again let me ask, “What is sin”? Well if we drop our own speculations and restrict our consideration to the clear revelation of the Bible, we realize that sin is fundamentally a matter of leaving God and doing something by ourselves and for ourselves. In other words, sin is to take anything other than God as our unique source. He desires to be the source of our life, of our living and even of our satisfaction. Any departure from taking Him as our source is sin and it will unavoidably result in innumerable sins. In that light, now let’s consider these verses from the very beginning of the Bible, Genesis 2:9, 16-17 “And out of the ground Jehovah God caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, as well as the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat freely … But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of it you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

07 Dec 2022 Jeremiah (Program #14)

Jeremiah (Program #14) – Jehovah’s further Commission to Jeremiah (1)

The prophet Jeremiah was one with the Lord in many regards. So much so that during the troubling and tumultuous time in which Jeremiah lived, God used him as His own mouth. Bringing Jehovah’s direct speaking to the apostate and rebellious people of Israel. Yet despite being the Lord’s called and anointed prophet, Jeremiah also suffered greatly, sharing in Israel’s judgment. It’s understandable then at times he was given to complaining and bitterness. Yet the Lord was continually with him, comforting him and encouraging him not to speak “worthless things” as the people did. But to speak words that matched the preciousness of Jehovah and all that He had revealed to Jeremiah.

30 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #7)

Jeremiah (Program #7) – Jeremiah’s Call and Commission

The Bible tells us that on earth there is always a battle raging between God and all those who oppose Him and fight against Him and His purpose. But God does not fight directly against such ones. His way of fighting is always in the principle of incarnation, involving His people, specifically those who are absolutely one with Him. Such was the case in the Old Testament with the prophet Jeremiah. In the degrading and shameful condition His people Israel were in, God called and sanctified the prophet while he was still in his mother’s womb. Listen to Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; And before you came forth from the womb, I sanctified you. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

03 Aug 2022 Job (Program #12)

Job (Program #12) – Man Moving in God’s Move and God Moving in Man’s Move

As the New Testament era opened, a dramatic change occurred in the way that God moves to accomplish His purpose on the earth. God’s move was then inextricably linked to man; that means that God ceased to move apart from and independent of man. Of course, the man that God used for His move was Jesus Christ, who we know was also God. That’s why the high priests, the elders and even the officials of the Roman government could not determine whether the activities of Jesus were the activities of a man or of God. Actually, His actions were the actions of the first God-man. Today God is still operating in this principle. The principle of His moving into man, in man and through man. This is the principle of incarnation. “In the beginning was the Word”, John says, “…and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us”. (John 1:1, 14)

21 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #8)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #8) – The History Concerning Samuel (5)

For a period of 450 years following their return to the good land, judges ruled over Israel. These Judges were supported by the priests of the Aaronic priesthood but the situation had grossly deteriorated and even the priesthood had waned.  God’s reaction was to raise up a new priest with a new priesthood. this one was Samuel, a man that was completely one with God so much so that it can be said of him that his being was like a photo copy of God’s own heart. Through Samuel not only was the priesthood uplifted and restored but the prophet-hood was ushered in along with the kingship and these things allow God a way eventually to bring forth Christ, the ultimate blessing not only to Israel but to the whole earth. How the Lord needs such ones to be utterly one with Him in this age to turn this age so that Christ could come again.

25 Feb 2022 Hebrews (Program #2)

Hebrews (Program #2) – God Has Spoken

Hebrews is a book of God’s speaking. Do you have God’s speaking? Listen today to find out how you can receive light, life and power from God’s speaking in the Son. The book of Hebrews begins with God’s speaking. Speaking is the way a living person makes himself known. Without doubt, we have a living God desiring to make Himself known to men.

It’s interesting that this mysterious book opens with God’s speaking and a contrast to His speaking in the Old Testament dispensation with that of His speaking in the New Testament. What is the primary distinction? Hebrews is a book of God’s speaking; it doesn’t acknowledge an author to emphasize the point that it is the speaking of God to His people. The main point of the book of Hebrews is to help those who had heard His Old Testament speaking to realize that He has a New Testament speaking. more…
