Blog Archives

14 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #3)

Ezra (Program #3) – The Return of the Captivity under the Priestly Leadership of Ezra

Deep within every Christian, there is a desire to be free from any kind of captivity of the enemy, Satan. If you agree with that, then you would want to stay with us right here for the next half hour as we discuss the return of the captivity under the priestly leadership of Ezra.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, we call these books the recovery books because according to the history that is presented in the Old Testament before Ezra at end of the books of Chronicles, God’s people Israel had been carried away from the land of Israel into the land of Babylon – so they were there in their captivity. And then a certain time God came in to bring a remnant, a small number not all of them but a small number back to the land of Israel, the good land that He had given to their forefathers. So these we call the recovery and these books we call the recovery books.

13 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #2)

Ezra (Program #2) – The Return of the Captivity under the Kingly Leadership of Jerubbabel

What is the Lord’s recovery? A picture is worth a thousand words and God has given us a wonderful picture of His recovery in the Old Testament. Stay with us today for a wonderful life study program on the four crucial points of the return of Israel from their captivity.

12 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #1)

Ezra (Program #1) – The Need of a Return from Captivity

The history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament gives us a picture of the church today in the New Testament.  And today what we want to look at is the picture of the children of Israel going into captivity and the recovery out of that captivity.  Today when God’s people are defeated in their spiritual life they remain in captivity until they repent and have a turn back to Him.  This repentance brings us back to the enjoyment of Christ.

07 Jul 2022 1 & 2 Chronicles (Program #7)

1 & 2 Chronicles (Program #7) – The Supplement to the History of the Kings of Judah (2)

Hezekiah, one of the top kings of Judah is a breath of fresh air to readers of the Bible.  Today we are going to spend our entire life study from Chronicles enjoying this fresh air.

This is a sweet program and a program of fresh air.  The reason for that is because with Hezekiah we see with so many positive things; we see recovery, we see restoration and the result of that is bringing revival to God’s people.  What a contrast to the black situation there in Hezekiah’s day.

06 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #11)

Hebrews (Program #11) – The Sanctifier and the Sanctified

The history of the Christian faith shows us that the great truth of God’s eternal plan were first given to man in Scripture but then lost during centuries of darkness and then later recovered by God moving in His Body.  Such was the case with justification by faith and its recovery during the time of Martin Luther.  We will see another great item of recovery – sanctification, in today’s life study of the Bible.

We mentioned the matter of recovery.  We are going to hear Witness Lee refer to it today in our message several times.  For those listening that may not understand what we mean by this term in its historical context.  It might help if we could have a look at the meaning of the word “recovery”.

01 Jan 2022 Exodus (Program #168)

Exodus (Program #168) – Moses Stay With God – Recovery of a Broken Covenant, Warning Concerning Idolatry, The Lord’s Promise

Most of us know the story of the great sin of Israel at Mount Sinai as Moses is coming down the mountain with the tablets containing the ten commandments.  The people get fully caught in idolatry even gross sin.  Moses reflecting God’s own indignation smashes the tablets containing the law, deal sternly with the people.  What follows this well-known account is very fascinating, yet it’s usually overlooked when the story is told.
