Tag-Archive for ◊ rescue ◊

25 Jan 2024 Exodus (Program #76)

Exodus (Program #76) – The Enactment of the Covenant (1)

The book of Exodus is a story of God delivering His people Israel out of bondage and slavery in Egypt. He led them from Egypt through the Red Sea and into the wilderness, where they wondered for forty years. God gave them the law, His commandments and the ordinances in this wilderness time. Was it His intention for them to just simply take the law that He has given and carry it out? Or did God first need to reveal Himself and His heart desire?  He rescue them, delivering them from their bondage in Egypt and brought them to the wilderness to have an intimate fellowship with Him. more…

13 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #17)

Exodus (Program #17) – God’s Demand and Pharaoh’s Resistance (3)

The book of Exodus reveals God’s desire to rescue His people from everything other than Himself.  After the Exodus from Egypt, God’s people saw a heavenly vision by which they came to know God Himself and to know the kind of living that’s in accordance with God.  This way they can be built up as God’s dwelling place on earth. This is the basic concept of the book of Exodus and it is also the basic concept of our Christian life.

We are going to continue to look at God’s demand and Pharaoh’s resistance on our broadcast today.  This conflict going on between God and Pharaoh that lasted 10 chapters in Exodus…

12 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #16)

Exodus (Program #16) – God’s Demand and Pharaoh’s Resistance (2)

The book of Exodus is a book of pictures, not a book of philosophy.  The pictures in the first part of Exodus present a portrait of life in the world under Satan’s usurpation.  God said to Pharaoh, “let My people go, that they may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness.”  God’s people had fallen into a worldly life under Satan.  So God spoke and acted in a severe way to ultimately rescue His people.  How about God’s people today?  Many are still under the occupation of today’s Pharaoh and God is still demanding “let My people go”.  Please stay with us for this extraordinary life study of the Bible.

10 Mar 2023 Zechariah (Program #13)

Zechariah (Program #13) – The Prophecies of Encouragement (4)

In the Old Testament book of Zechariah, we are given extraordinary revelations of the New Testament Christ. We see Him as the Shepherd coming in an intimate and loving way to care for His scattered flock. We also see Him being rejected and even crucified for our redemption. But one of the most striking views of Christ in Zechariah is as the coming Triumphant Warrior to fight against Anti-Christ, the embodiment of Satan and to rescue God’s people, Israel, from their destiny on this earth, the war of Armageddon.

17 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #41)

Isaiah (Program #41) – The Servant of Jehovah, the Arm of Jehovah, the Reigning God, & the Exalted Christ in Relation to Israel’s Return & Restoration

Isaiah beseech the Lord in chapter 51 of his prophecy, “Arise, arise! Put on strength, O arm of Jehovah; Arise as in the days of old.”  Surely God has done many mighty things for His people throughout ages.  As when He dried up the Red Sea for them to walk through as they escape from Egypt.  But to us Christ is also the arm of Jehovah; releasing us and rescuing us from our captivity.  Staying with us for another encouraging and uplifting life study of the Bible.

09 May 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #51)

2 Corinthians (Program #51) – Paul’s Vindication of His Apostolic Authority (6)

The church in Corinth was born directly out of the ministry and care of the apostle Paul.  Yet later, many of the believers there were affected negatively towards him because the accusations of false prophets that had come into Corinth, in an effort to draw the church away from their enjoyment of Christ and back to the Old Testament practice of law-keeping.  These ones claimed that they were the real apostles and that their knowledge and gifts far surpassed those of Paul’s.  So because many in the church were confused and no one stood up for Paul to make his case, Paul himself was compelled in the final chapters of this book to make his own “boast ” and to defend his own apostolic authority.  What he revealed to the church in Corinth in chapter 12 is some of the most remarkable speaking in all of the New Testament, for Paul himself tells of the incredible and mysterious vision that the Lord had permitted him to see in an effort to rescue the Corinthians.
