Blog Archives

08 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #3)

Romans (Program #3) – The Gospel of God

Through His incarnation, the Triune God became a man, Jesus Christ, to be among us. Through His death and resurrection, He became the life-giving Spirit to be within us.

Our life study today brings us to Romans chapter 2.  Romans is a gospel because Paul calls it that.  What does he mean by this?  If Romans is a gospel, how is it differ from the four traditional gospels? more…

06 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #1)

Romans (Program #1) – A Foreword

Our God is a God of newness and we enjoy Him and apply Him for this new start in the Life-Study series.

Historically, Romans has been presented and studied as one of the great books of Christian doctrine and theology. Certainly we will recognize it in this way and touch these bulwarks of the truth in the weeks ahead, but that will not be our primary emphasis in this Life-Study of Romans. Although we in no way intend to minimize the significance of Romans as a basic book of doctrine and theology – more…

13 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #49)

Acts (Program #49) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (15)

Much of the book of Acts is devoted to the account of Paul the Apostle, as he journeyed to the uttermost parts of the earth, speaking and testifying of the resurrected Christ. This word was a blessing to many, but a dagger in the heart of some. In Paul, we see a man of God in spirit, intent, and resolute in this one thing: to preach among the people the unsearchable riches of Christ. Stay with us today as we once again look at the New Testament example of a New Testament minister of Christ on the life study of the Bible.

02 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #7)

Acts (Program #7) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (2)

Acts chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 says,  “And as the day of Pentecost was being fulfilled, they were all together in the same place. And suddenly there was a sound out of heaven, as of a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”  One of the pivotal events in the history of God’s move on earth occurred on the day of Pentecost. The believers were filled with the Spirit, and the Church, as the body of Christ, was ushered in powerfully.

24 Jun 2023 John (Program #51)

John (Program #51) – Life in Resurrection (2)

We should treasure the way the Lord has ordained to be present with us now. May the Lord really open our eyes: that what is precious to God, that is the invisible, indwelling, pneumatic Christ, would also become precious to us.

In John 20 as in the Gospel of John as a whole, we see the Trinity both in His essence and in His economy. The Divine Trinity is a trinity of essence eternally that is the Father, Son, and Spirit coexist and co-inhere in the Godhead eternally. This is the Trinity in essence. But in order to have the fulfillment of God’s economy, the essential Trinity must function as the economical Trinity to pass through the process in order to, on the one hand, enter into God’s people, and on the other to bring God’s people, now redeemed and regenerated, into God. By the time we reach chapter 20, we have at least the initial completion of this process in which the very God who became a man and died for our redemption, in resurrection became the Spirit, so that, economically speaking, the Father, Son, and Spirit may indwell us.

23 Jun 2023 John (Program #50)

John (Program #50) – Life in Resurrection (1)

John 1:14 says, the Word became flesh. That means the Word, who was God, became something that He previous was not. When God came out of eternity into time to accomplish His plan, He became flesh. In this sense, God did change.

When we cover these two aspects (God being unchanging and God having changed), what we’re touching is the mystery of the Divine Trinity. So, what we need to do is look at the entire Bible and just say Amen to whatever the Bible says about the Triune God. On the one hand, you know people uses this verse Malachi 3:6, which says that God changes not. And, this is true. But of course, if you look at the context of Malachi 3:6, it’s talking about that God changes not in his principles, in the way that He deals with His people. But also, we know that the Bible shows that God in His eternal being is unchanging. The Bible reveals that the Triune God, the three of the Godhead. On the one hand, they are distinct. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are eternally distinct, but they also co-inhere. That means that they mutually indwell one another. The Father is in the Son. The Son is in the Father. The Father is in the Spirit. more…

22 Jun 2023 John (Program #49)

John (Program #49) – Life Processed for Multiplication (4)

Let us all let the wind blow where it wills. And, instead of trying to systematize or schematize the experience of the Spirit, let’s experience the Spirit for the carrying out of God’s economy, letting God truly be God.

John 20 is in many respects, a chapter of realization or actualization. By using these terms, I’m trying to say, that in this chapter we have the reality in actual experience of what the Lord revealed concerning His process elsewhere in the Gospel. He made it emphatically clear in chapters 14 through 16 that He needed to go, that is, die on the cross, and come again, that is come into the disciples as the pneumatic Christ in order to indwell them. He had, as the first half of the Gospel emphasizes, become flesh and tabernacled among human kind. But, God’s goal is to be in His chosen and redeemed people, not merely among them.

11 Jun 2023 John (Program #37)

John (Program #37) – The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation (1)

God intends to propagate and multiply, not by relying on great gospel campaigns, but rather by flowing His life in Christ into all the branches so that all the branches will bear fruit.

Chapter 14 of John has as its focus, the dispensing of the Triune God into the believers of Christ for the producing of God’s abode. In order to touch the heart of chapter 14, we need to drop the traditional concept that the Father’s house with the many abodes denotes Heaven. Simply put the Father’s house denotes the Father’s house, which is His habitation, His dwelling place, elsewhere called quite distinctly the Church of the living God or the temple of God. So, the emphasis in chapter 14 is how Christ in resurrection as the Spirit of reality comes into the believers, dwells in them, and enables them to dwell in God. And the result of this mutual indwelling is the producing of God’s dwelling place.

09 Jun 2023 John (Program #35)

John (Program #35) – The Dispensing of the Triune God for the Producing of His Abode (3)

People think that the Lord Jesus has gone to prepare a big mansion for us in heaven. As though God had two dwelling places, or two buildings, God only has one building. Not one on heaven and one on earth. He has one building.

This chapter (John 14) is very mysterious I admit, and it’s very misunderstood. But, this chapter is really the last message that the Lord gave to His disciples. And, here He’s talking about going away. Many people misunderstand this. But, He’s just talking here about His going to the cross. And, when He goes to the cross, He is also promising that He will come again. His coming again of course is after His resurrection. He will come back to them. And when He comes back to them, He will be the Spirit because in His resurrection He becomes the life giving Spirit.

26 May 2023 John (Program #22)

John (Program #22) – The Need of the Hungry – Life’s Feeding (2)

I love this connection between the Spirit and the Word because it gives me a way in my daily life to come to the Lord and contact Him and feed on Him and drink Him in. So in our daily living, we have Christ as the living bread, the bread of life, the bread of God.

We come again today to chapter 6 in John.  We saw how the Lord fed the thousands and that was really to show how He meets the need of the hungry and now the disciples are fed but they have another problem.
