Archive for the Category ◊ Old Testament ◊

18 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #100)

Exodus (Program #100) – The Veil Within the Tabernacle (2)

The tabernacle was divided into two distinct segments or chambers; the Holy of Holies where God Himself resided and commune with His people.  The other chamber is the Holy Place, full of the things of God, even types of God, types of Christ, but not God Himself.  This is somewhat like our own walk, our own experience with the Lord Jesus.  Sometimes we are walking with the very person of Christ yet at other times we seems to be occupied just with spiritual things, with items but we are missing His living presence.

Today we conclude our fourth week of messages dealing with the tabernacle.   This has been a remarkable twenty programs because the types and pictures that we are seeing interpreted have been applied almost exclusively to our experience of Christ and not just teachings and doctrines.

17 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #99)

Exodus (Program #99) – The Veil Within the Tabernacle (1)

The tabernacle is a marvelous, vivid picture of the deepest experiences of Christ by His loving believers.  The time spent to see the meaning and significance of its aspects and details is well worthwhile and will be richly rewarded by a deeper love and appreciation for Christ and His incomparable word.

Today we are going to consider the veil that was located within the tabernacle as a separation between the two chambers, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.  This aspect of the tabernacle is really quite mysterious to most people.  Both chambers contain items that clearly represents Christ and our experience of Christ.

16 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #98)

Exodus (Program #98) – The Boards of the Tabernacle (2)

The tabernacle as seen in Exodus is the marvelous picture of God’s dwelling place, the church.  It’s walls were carefully crafted of boards that were joined together to give it strength and stability.  God’s house should be the same today.  But sadly, many groups lack such strong standing.  The real testimony of God’s House, must be firm and unshakable.  As His dwelling place our home, it must be grounded in His redemption and brightly expressing the person of Christ Himself.

Today we come to another message dealing with the boards that form the walls of the tabernacle.  Yesterday we saw that these boards were made of acacia wood and then overlaid with gold.  Today we’re going to look specifically how they were fastened together, how they were joined to stand and become the very House of God on earth.

15 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #97)

Exodus (Program #97) – The Boards of the Tabernacle (1)

The cover or roof of the tabernacle is made of four distinct layers.  Each of which are definite type of the various aspects of Christ.  As God’s dwelling with man, surely the tabernacle typifies Christ.  But the sides of the tabernacle, point us not only to Christ but also to us, the believers.  We see that for God’s dwelling place, He needs us, the redeemed believers.

We spent the last couple of days considering the four layers of coverings that help to compose the tabernacle.  Each of these layers typifies a different aspect of Christ.

14 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #96)

Exodus (Program #96) – The First Layer of the Covering (2)

All of God’s saved ones have surely seen the Christ of the Gospels, the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself up for us that we might be saved.   This in itself surely is marvelous, but have you seen the same Christ revealed in even greater details through the types and symbols of the Old Testament?  To do so is to have our faith in God’s word strengthened and our love and appreciation of Him, much much deepen.  Stay with us as we see the very Christ of our salvation in the details of the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place with man on today’s life study.

From Exodus 26, there were 4 layers of covering over the tabernacle.  We did look at the first layer; ten curtains, made of fine linen, colored blue, purple and scarlet and then with the cherubim embroidered on them.  Today we’re going to look at the other three layers.  But we really need to keep in mind all the significance of these details that we saw.

13 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #95)

Exodus (Program #95) – The First Layer of the Covering (1)

God’s people Israel spent 40 years journeying through the wilderness of Sinai on their way from Egypt to Canaan, the Good Land.  In a sense, they camped out for those years in tents that could easily be transported as they move about.  The God of their fathers, Abraham, Issac and Jacob joined them on this journey.  Joining them to such an extend that He too took a tent for a dwelling.   This tent is called the tabernacle.  It is mysterious, yet a marvelous type of Christ and the church.

We had 14 programs since we re-joined the life study of Exodus.  They all dealt with different articles and the various items that Jehovah ordained to furnish the two inner chambers of the tabernacle.  Thus far we looked at the Ark of the Testimony in the Holy of Holies.  More recently the Showbread Table or the Table of the Bread of the Presence and the golden lampstand that were both in the Holy Place.  Today we want to begin to look at the details of the actual structure, the tabernacle itself, it’s dimension and the materials used in its construction.  We really seeing that, when properly open up, these details are utterly marvelous in what they portrait of the riches of Christ.

12 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #94)

Exodus (Program #94) – The Lampstand (3)

The types and pictures seen in Exodus have long been wonderful material for Bible study. Many of the deepest teachings and doctrines of the Christian faith can be seen theses types, but the real significance of these items may surprise you.  Stay with us today for a rich and enlightening life study of the Bible, as we continue to explore the book of Exodus in the light of our own Christian experience and not merely teaching and doctrine.

We mentioned our experience of Christ in the opening and how it related to the mysterious golden lampstand.  But not to alarm anyone, the experience of Christ that we are going to talk about really is not that mysterious.  It is actually the normal Christian experience.

11 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #93)

Exodus (Program #93) – The Lampstand (2)

The tabernacle in the Old Testament paints a marvelous and detailed picture of Christ in God’s New Testament plan or economy.   All of the details are meaningful and they all point us to Christ.  Among the various items in the tabernacle, the golden lampstand  is particularly interesting even mysterious.  For in this type, we not only see the shining forth of Christ as the light of life, but we see the entire Triune God as well.  But even more we see us, the believers as part this golden, shining lampstand.

We are going to spend another message today looking at the lampstand, that the Lord prescribed to be in the Holy Place of the tabernacle.  Yesterday we found out that of all the items in the tabernacle, this one is the most mysterious in its symbolism.  Why is the lampstand so mysterious?

10 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #92)

Exodus (Program #92) – The Lampstand (1)

To be sure the Old Testament book of Exodus is full of clear pictures that represent aspects of our own experience of Christ.  Among the most striking of these pictures are the furnishings in the tabernacle.  The most mysterious of these, without question is the golden lampstand in the Holy Place because this item typifies the expression of the very Triune God Himself.

Today we take our first look at the third piece of furniture in the tabernacle, the lampstand.  The lampstand appears in other passages of the Scriptures.  Many are familiar with some of the New Testament verses referring to Christ and the believers as the light of the world.  But the lampstand in  Scripture is even more meaningful and mysterious than simply Christ being the light of the world.

09 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #91)

Exodus (Program #91) – The Table of the Bread of the Presence (2)

The record given in Exodus concerning the tabernacle and its furnishing is very interesting.  The details regarding their construction can seem tedious maybe even worrisome to read through.  But with just a little spiritual insight, how marvelous and full of meaning they become, even in our own daily experience and enjoyment of Christ.   Stay with us for today’s life study of the Bible with Witness Lee, as we get more life from God’s word from the book of Exodus.

We began to look at the second piece of furniture in the tabernacle, which was a table, a very special table.  The first piece of furniture was also a table, the Ark of the Testimony.  Today we are talking about the second table.  This table is the Showbread Table.  It was one of the two things in the Holy Place…
