Archive for the Category ◊ New Testament ◊

04 Sep 2022 Revelation (Program #28)

Revelation (Program #28) – The Seventh Trumpet

“And the seventh angel trumpeted; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” That is the seventh and final trumpet in Revelation chapter 11 verse 15.

03 Sep 2022 Revelation (Program #27)

Revelation (Program #27) – The Treading of Jerusalem and Testimony of the Two Witnesses

In Matthew chapter 17, when the Lord Jesus was being visibly glorified in front of Peter, James, and John, verse 3 says “And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him.”

For that very monumental event, the Lord Jesus wanted these two representatives of the Old Testament dispensation of the Law and the Prophets to be present. But they are not through yet, because Revelation reveals that these two will appear again during the fearsome days of the Great Tribulation in Jerusalem.

02 Sep 2022 Revelation (Program #26)

Revelation (Program #26) – Christ Coming to Take Possession of the Earth

“And I saw another strong Angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; And He placed His right foot on the sea and the left on the land; And He cried out with a loud voice just as a lion roars.” – Revelation 10:1-3

When Christ comes to take possession of the earth at the end of this age, He will come not as a lamb, but as a roaring lion.

01 Sep 2022 Revelation (Program #25)

Revelation (Program #25) – Further Judgment Upon Men – the Sixth Trumpet

Just where are we now? And where are we going to be in the future? These two questions have haunted man for thousands of years. But today, on life study of the Bible as we come to the book of Revelation, we will see God’s assessment of the present and future situation.

31 Aug 2022 Revelation (Program #24)

Revelation (Program #24) – The Judgment Upon Men – the Fifth Trumpet

Jesus said in Matthew 24:21 “For at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not occurred from the beginning of the world until now, nor shall by any means ever occur.”  Today on life study of the Bible we are going to be looking at the great tribulation that our Lord Jesus referred to.

30 Aug 2022 Revelation (Program #23)

Revelation (Program #23) – The Scene In Heaven After the Opening of the Seventh Seal and Judgment Upon the Earth

The secret of God’s economy is unveiled in the book of Revelation. This secret reveals the events leading up to the end times.  It is a sobering picture we are looking at today…

29 Aug 2022 Revelation (Program #22)

Revelation (Program #22) – The Seven Eyes of the Lamb For Building of God

Worthy is the Lamb who as been slain. Many of us have sung of the Lamb’s worthiness to redeem us in countless hymns. But how many of us have praised the Lamb for His worthiness to open the secret of God’s economy as revealed in Revelation chapter 5?

28 Aug 2022 Revelation (Program #21)

Revelation (Program #21) – God’s Preservation of His People

In both the Old and New Testament, the Bible points to a Coming Day. This is often referred to as the Day of the Lord or the Coming Day of the Wrath of the Lord.  It is like that will be like no other, as it ushers in God’s wrath upon the fallen and rebellious earth. When is this day?  And what affect will it have on us?  We will look more closely at the Day of the Lord and how God will preserve His people on that day.

27 Aug 2022 Revelation (Program #20)

Revelation (Program #20) – The Cry of Martyred Saints and God’s Answer – Seals Five and Six

Revelation chapter 5 reveals that the scroll of the mysteries of the universe was sealed with seven seals as it was held in the hand of God on the throne. And that only Christ, the Lion-Lamb, was worthy to open it.  The opening of the seven seals reveals the revelation.  Today we come to the fifth and sixth seal.

26 Aug 2022 Revelation (Program #19)

Revelation (Program #19) – World History From Christ’s Ascension to the End of this Age – Seals One Through Four-Horse Race

No doubt, Revelation is a book of prophecy.  And most people study it looking for, and at the prophecies. But it’s also a book of history. It contains amazing details of both Church history and world history. In fact, chapter six gives us a condensed view of the last 2000 years of world history.
