Archive for April 24th, 2021

24 Apr 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #36)

2 Corinthians (Program #36) – The Minister’s of the New Covenant (8)

2 Corinthians is a book dealing with the New Testament ministry and the New Testament minsters.  As this ministry is comprised of the essentials of God’s economy carry out His eternal purpose, we might well think that the apostle would place particular emphasis on the ministry in such a book.  But actually he devoted only one chapter to the ministry of the New Covenant.  While he devoted four chapters to the qualifications and characteristics of the New Covenant ministers.   Why such emphasis on the ministers rather than on their work?  Because God cares much more for what we are than what we do.  We may do many things for Him or in His name, but the question is “does our living, does our experience of Christ really match our words or even our works?”
