26 Jan 2024 Romans (Program #37)

Romans (Program #37) – Being Freed from Death (2)

We need to call it by its right name – it’s death.  God in His organic salvation has a way of deliverance from it, a way to overcome it – in Christ as our resurrection life.

Today in chapter 8, we’re going to find out about being freed from sin and death.  What is the death that we are being freed from?

Romans 8 is a chapter of experience and the death here is not the physical death to which we are subjected in the old creation.  When we are talking about being free from death, we are not talking about some kind of miraculous cure for our mortality or some premature deliverance from the power of death in a physical way.  Death in Romans 8 is a terrifying and powerful spiritual source and force that has its source in Satan, the origin of death. In Hebrews 2, Paul talks about the devil, the one who has the might of death.  The death in Romans 7 and 8 is that issue of sin in the flesh, which weights upon us and weakens us, and darkens us and eventually deadens us.  Especially as we endeavor to pursue the Lord.  Sin with its law, incites us in the flesh to do things contrary to God.  But death works to weaken us, when we are interested or burden in carrying out something in the Lord and for the Lord.

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