04 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #46)

Romans (Program #46) – Saved in Life from Self-Likeness (2)

Today we come to Romans to see Christ in a new way as the firstborn Son of God, and to see our experience of Christ in a new way as His many brothers.

Today’s message is going to touch a verse in chapter 1, verse 4, dealing with designation and also connected to Romans 8:29 where we see the firstborn Son and the many brothers. We don’t often think of Christ as the Firstborn, I think it’s more normal for us to consider Him the only begotten from John 3:16.

It’s very good that we came in our study of Romans to this point where we are considering Christ as the Firstborn. This is distinguished from Christ as the eternal Son of God in John chapter 3 and many other places. Here He is the firstborn Son of God. This has to do with His status among the many born. We are the many born sons of God, He is the firstborn Son of God. In the Bible, we see Christ with this particular title, the firstborn Son of God. He is mentioned twice in Hebrews and quoted from Psalms chapter two where the Lord said, “This day have I begotten You.” Then we have to ask, when was Christ begotten? As the eternal Son of God, He was never begotten. He was in eternity. In Romans 8, God causing all things to work together for good according to His purpose, this purpose is altogether tied up with us becoming the many sons of God. Also, the following verse ending in glorification is related to us being sons of God. In this whole process of sonship, we come into being glorified. So we have to look at Christ as the Firstborn and then we will see our experience as the many born sons of God.

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