12 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program#17)

Hebrews (Program #17) – The Good Land for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose

The good land typified in the Old Testament is profoundly related to God’s eternal purpose to have a corporate expression. Hebrews 2:5 says, “For it was not to angels that He subjected the coming inhabited earth concerning which we speak.” Though we may long for heaven, it is the earth, the land, the good land that has occupied God from the ages for His purpose. We will see all this land typified in today’s life study of Bible.

Though we’re in the midst of the life study of Hebrews, today we’re going to touch many points that we first touched in the life study of Genesis for those that were with us at that time. What is the basis or the ground to draw upon the pictures that were presented in Genesis in order to help us with the book of Hebrews?

As we will soon see this particular message connects as the Bible does the matters of the land, Christ and God’s chosen people. In Genesis 1, we have these three matters either stated or implied. The land is obviously signified by the dry land that emerged from the dead waters on the third day. This dry land, the sphere for the living of the human beings created by God typifies Christ in resurrection. Significantly as Genesis 2:7 reveals, humankind was created from the dust of this land. This shows an intrinsic connection between humanity and the earth. Furthermore, this man – this Adam, created with the dust of the ground was made in God’s image. According to the New Testament, for instance in Colossians, the image of God is Christ. So here in Genesis 1 and part of chapter 2, we have the land, we have humanity and we have Christ particularly as the image of God. The crucial matter is that three things are essentially connected. We need to focus on this and emphasize it again and again because it’s so crucial. The earth or the land, man and Christ in the sight of God are essentially connected for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose. Genesis sows the seed of this, in the book of Hebrews we have quite a rich development of this seed.

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