15 Apr 2023 Genesis (Program #30)

Genesis (Program #30) – The Second Fall of Man (2)

We have a very interesting life study today from chapter 4 of Genesis.  In fact, we are going to see something about the development of human culture.

Genesis is really a book of seeds as Witness Lee has pointed out several times.  The seeds in those first chapters are very very interesting, especially after the creation of man and in the fall of man.  There we began to see that there are two lines from the book of Genesis, especially from chapter 4.  The thing we are coming to today is to see the result of the second fall of man.   The first fall was Adam and Eve, disobeying God by partaking the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life.  And the second fall goes on, how that result of that affected their two sons.   Today’s message is concerning Cain and the effect of the fall in him, as the seed that really has a long long lasting result.  Today we will see something concerning sin that came out of the fall.

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