01 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #77)
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Genesis (Program #77) – Having Natural Weakness as Abraham and Living in the Natural Life as Jacob

Today’s life study is going to deal very much with natural life and the weaknesses of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

When we reconsider these Old Testament “heroes”, we don’t think of their weaknesses.  However, through these life studies we have come to see the real situation.  We have often heard of Abraham as the father of faith.  We have seen how he believed that God was able to call things not being as being, as in the case of the birth of Isaac.  And also believing in God being able to raise Isaac from the dead, after he offered him on Mount Moriah.  And we usually consider everything about Abraham happening to him because he was a good, God-fearing man, strong in the faith.  But if you have being following these life studies of Genesis, you found out that Abraham learned many lessons by his weaknesses and even his naturalness in the way he did things, the way he tried to help God and tried to enter into a clever solution to certain problems that came up as in the case of the birth of Ishmael and in his trying to have Eliezer to be in the place of his son.  These kind of things show that Abraham wasn’t that perfect.  He had some weakness that he acted in a natural way and he did things according to his natural cleverness…

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