Blog Archives

20 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #7)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #7) – The History Concerning Samuel (4)

Through Moses and his brother Aaron, God established the priesthood in Israel.  These priests all in the linage of Aaron continued for nearly 500 years.  The final priest of the Aaronic priesthood was Eli. But by his time the priesthood had become stale and had waned.  God desire to  move in a new and fresh way among His people. But to accomplished His move He needed to turn the age and initiated a new priesthood and raised up prophets in Israel and even established the kingship which would paved the way for Christ to be brought forth. The one that God chose at that time for this major turn in His move was the young boy Samuel.  Samuel become the first among a new priesthood and he also become the first prophet of Israel and he ushered in the kingship by establishing David both to be the king and to be the ancestor of the coming Christ.

26 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #31)

Hebrews (Program #31) – The Heavenly Ministry of the Heavenly Christ

Too many of us as Christians have stopped our progress at the cross but we have not gone on to experience Christ on the throne. Today’s message I believe we’ll get much help how to progress on our Christian life.

We’re going to see Christ today as the Great High Priest ministering in two aspects. I think this portion of Scripture may tend to scare some people off because they just don’t understand what these types and pictures refer to and how they apply to them. The message we’re hearing today so clearly defines both of these aspects – the priesthood according to Aaron and the priesthood according to the order of Melchisedec. We will get a full appreciation of what has been accomplished by Christ as our High Priest.

24 Feb 2022 Numbers (Program #6)

Numbers (Program #6) – Being Formed into an Army (7)

In the Old Testament arrangement, all those who were born in the line of Aaron were designated automatically to the priesthood.  To be a priest was not available to everyone.  But the Lord made a provision for any among God’s people who voluntarily choose to serve Him in an absolute way.  It was called the vow of the Nazarite.  Under the provision of this vow, a person’s living and characteristics were subjected to the highest and strictest standard.  Though such a formal vow with its restrictions is not directly associated with the New Testament economy, in principle, the Lord desires all of His children to be real Nazarite even today, just as the Lord Jesus lived so absolutely for God and to God.  As we look into the vow of the Nazarite on today’s life study.

31 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #22)

Leviticus (Program #22) – The Consecration of Aaron and His Sons

Consecration is an Old Testament term used only a few times in the Bible.  Yet it bears deep and significant meaning to all born again children of God that love Him and have given themselves over to Him. This is a term that worldly people can never really know or understand but what about us? Do we really appreciate what it is to be consecrated to the Lord Jesus?

This word consecration that some Christians are familiar with or may be have used in a certain context but it only appears in the Old Testament mainly in Leviticus, Exodus and Numbers. In its original context, it dealt with the sons of Aaron who were the priests at that time and they were consecrated or ordained for service in the tabernacle. It’s the use of this term in it’s New Testament application to us as Christians that we want to look at today. more…
