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19 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #6)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #6) – The History Concerning Samuel (4)

Throughout history the ark of the covenant was crucial to the nation of Israel. The Bible tells us that after the tabernacle was completed in Exodus 40, and the ark was placed in the holy of holies, then the cloud covered the tent of meeting and the glory of Jehovah filled the tabernacle. From that moment on the presence of the Lord was associated with the ark. Whenever Jehovah desire to move on the earth, the ark led the way. In battle as long as Israel was following the Lord, Jehovah leads and the ark was present they knew God was with them and they prevailed. However in the waning years of the ironic priesthood, not only the people in general but even the priest themselves no longer had a heart for the Lord and for His needs. Rather all of their attention were focused on their own needs, their own desire and their own security. And when in this situation they tried to use the ark in a superstitious way. Not only did the ark seem to lose its’ miraculous power but Jehovah allowed it to be taken by Philistines and and separated from the tabernacle. And the result as spoken in 1 Samuel chapter 4:22 was the greatest tragedy, for “the glory has departed from Israel, for the Ark of God has been taken”

28 Feb 2022 Numbers (Program #10)

Numbers (Program #10) – Being Formed into an Army (11)

Inserted in the record of Numbers where Jehovah formed and set His army is the account of His divine provision for the people.  This was not the material provision of food and water.  That had already been accomplished.  This was the provision of two necessary items.  For the people to approach Him, God provided several different offerings.  But from God to His people, He provided the holy anointing oil.  A marvelous compound that was to be spread or painted to all of the holy utensils even onto the tabernacle itself.  This ointment is so rich in its symbolism yet it is nearly ignored completely by readers and even many ministers of God’s word.  We will spend the next half hour to see it, to appreciate it and by the Lord’s mercy even to experience it.

04 Jan 2022 1 Thessalonians (Program #8)

1 Thessalonians (Program #8) -The Church Becoming the Embodiment of the Triune God (2)

One of the essentials for being a Christian is to appreciate the Bible as the word of God. But for most of us our reading and our understanding of the Holy Word fall far short of what it should be.

For instance, take a passage like 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2:12 where Paul tells us that we have been called into God’s own kingdom and glory. Do we really have an adequate appreciation of all that these implies or do we even have a proper understanding of things like God’s kingdom and God’s glory?  Probably we just skim along taking such marvelous word for granted.  But one of the benefits we have in this program each day is that the Lord richly unveils and brings us into deeper realities of His word.
