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27 Feb 2023 Mark (Program #58)

Mark (Program #58) – A Life Fully According To and For God’s New Testament Economy (18)

The 27 books of the New Testament have often been arranged by Christians into three sections. The first section includes the gospels plus the book of Acts as the books of history. And then from Romans to Jude are the epistles, the 21 epistles in the New Testament followed by the concluding book in the Bible, Revelation.

However recently through the life study of Mark, we’ve seen that there is another way to divide the New Testament into sections and this way of dividing the books of New Testament is related to the living Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Because the entire New Testament is concerned with this living Person, Who is the embodiment of the Triune God.

26 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #20)

Psalms (Program #20) – The Psalmist’s Intensified Enjoyment of God in His House and City Through the Suffering, Exalted, and Reigning Christ (1)

The Old Testament book of Psalms includes 150 individual Psalm. Well, majority of these were written by David, others contributed to this wonderful portion of the Scripture.  Bible scholars throughout the centuries have realized that by virtue of how the Psalms are arranged, they are broken into five distinctive groups or books.  Book one of the Psalms for example include Psalms 1 through Psalms 41.   The second book begin with Psalms 42.  But what is critical to realize in this divine arrangement is that each successive book takes us to a higher spiritual plain than the previous one.  So that at the end of Psalms we are brought to the highest peak in the experience and enjoyment of God.

02 Mar 2022 Numbers (Program #12)

Numbers (Program #12) – Journeying (2-3)

Once God’s people were properly arranged according to their families and rated around the perimeter of the tabernacle, God’s presence overshadow them as a visible cloud.  His presence also filled the Ark of the Covenant within the tabernacle.  These two items provided guidance and leading to the children of Israel.  When the cloud was taken up, the people prepared to load up the tabernacle and their personal possessions to follow the cloud in a general way as their guide.  But it was the tiny Ark that became their particular leading, leading them through the treacherous wilderness and finding the appropriate resting places.  A forty-year journey under the guidance of the cloud and the leading of the Ark
