Blog Archives

02 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #7)

Acts (Program #7) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (2)

Acts chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 says,  “And as the day of Pentecost was being fulfilled, they were all together in the same place. And suddenly there was a sound out of heaven, as of a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”  One of the pivotal events in the history of God’s move on earth occurred on the day of Pentecost. The believers were filled with the Spirit, and the Church, as the body of Christ, was ushered in powerfully.

02 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #108)

Genesis (Program #108) – The Manifestation of Maturity (1)

Our life study again today brings us to the matter of maturity and transformation from Genesis chapter 45 through 48.

We have a life study today in which transformation as signified by the life experience of Jacob.  It’s really looked at in its final stage, the stage of maturity.  What does the Bible refers to when it speaks of transformation?

01 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #107)

Genesis (Program #107) – The Process of Maturity (2)

Today we are going to examine Jacob again and really see two matters concerning him; transformation and maturity.  Of course, we are looking at Old Testament pictures to illustrate these items.  Where are these things found in the New Testament?

01 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #6)

Acts (Program #6) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (1)

The book of Acts is well known for many miraculous things, particularly those associated with the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, like speaking in tongues. But, are those really the focus or subject of this marvelous book linking the four Gospels with the great Epistles. Stay with us today as we being a lengthy unfolding of the subject of the book of Acts, the propagation of the resurrected and ascended Christ.

30 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #106)

Genesis (Program #106) – The Process of Maturity (1)

Today we come to Genesis 37 and this is a very rich portion of God’s Word.  I think many will be surprised.  Because many people I presume begin to read the Bible in Genesis 1 and may be give up before they get to this rich portion of the book.  It has so much practical application to our own life situations.

30 Jun 2023 Acts (Program #5)

Acts (Program #5) – Introduction and the Preparation

The gospel of Luke ends with the marvelous scene of the ascension of Christ. Luke’s other contribute to the New Testament, the book of Acts, begins with the same scene. The book of Acts stands as an encouraging continuation of the ministry of Christ following His resurrection and ascension. Stay with us today for a tremendous life study of the Bible.

29 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #105)

Genesis (Program #105) – The Three Pillars and the One Tower in Jacob’s Life

Our life study today brings us once again to the matter of pillars.  We had several in Jacob’s experience.  And today yet another pillar experience before us.  We are going to see also a tower, in addition to the pillars – pillars and a tower.

29 Jun 2023 Acts (Program #4)

Acts (Program #4) – Introduction and the Preparation

In the gospel of John, we are told that in order to see the kingdom of God, we need to be born again. In other words, we need another life. The natural human life is just not capable of comprehending the kingdom of God. How about you? Do you really see the kingdom of God? Stay with us for an insightful unveiling of God’s kingdom on this life study of the Bible.

28 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #104)

Genesis (Program #104) – Being Transformed (10)

We’ve been with Jacob at Bethel for quite some time.  But today Jacob leaves Bethel and has two very profound experiences, the death of his beloved Rachel and the birth of his beloved son Benjamin.   This message today deals with Jacob’s natural choice.  What do we mean by this term “natural choice”?

28 Jun 2023 Acts (Program #3)

Acts (Program #3) – Introduction and the Preparation

In the gospel of Matthew, Peter has an exalted moment, where at one time he sees Christ as the son of the living God. Then, a few short verses later, the Lord turns to him and rebukes him, saying “Get behind me Satan”.

What does this show us about our brother Peter? What does this show us about our own need of spiritual growth, maturity, even training?
