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12 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #88)

Genesis (Program #88) – Being Dealt With (9)

We are very much absorbed these days in these life studies and experiences of Jacob.

As a background of Jacob’s life up to this point, you can look from two point of views.  One is what God was doing with Jacob and the other view is what Jacob was doing with God’s promises.   In the first place God chose Jacob and God gave him some promises even work out a lot of ways to deal with him and took him through a lot of experiences.  From God’s point of view, He was really working on Jacob to bring him to full transformed man.  These experiences we’ve had so far are part of the dealings that God had with Jacob.  But from Jacob’s side, when you look at it from his point of view, Jacob is always working things out according to his own view, according to his own standing…

12 Jun 2023 John (Program #38)

John (Program #38) – The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation (2)

When He speaks to us, we have to keep it. When His word abides in us, then right away, we are abiding in His love. So, just by saying Amen to His speaking, love will fill us, and we will find the prevailing way to love the Lord Jesus and abide in His love.

The very striking point in John 15 to me is the illustration of the vine and the branches. There’s no other plant that could adequately illustrate the life flow that exists between the Lord and His believers. The Lord said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” Could any other illustration make it more clear? Then, what God is producing is an organism, not an organization. The “I am” here is Christ when He said, “I am the vine.” And, the “you are” is that part of the vine known as branches. Christ, the Son, is the very center of God’s economy, and He’s also the embodiment of all the riches of the Father.

11 Jun 2023 John (Program #37)

John (Program #37) – The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation (1)

God intends to propagate and multiply, not by relying on great gospel campaigns, but rather by flowing His life in Christ into all the branches so that all the branches will bear fruit.

Chapter 14 of John has as its focus, the dispensing of the Triune God into the believers of Christ for the producing of God’s abode. In order to touch the heart of chapter 14, we need to drop the traditional concept that the Father’s house with the many abodes denotes Heaven. Simply put the Father’s house denotes the Father’s house, which is His habitation, His dwelling place, elsewhere called quite distinctly the Church of the living God or the temple of God. So, the emphasis in chapter 14 is how Christ in resurrection as the Spirit of reality comes into the believers, dwells in them, and enables them to dwell in God. And the result of this mutual indwelling is the producing of God’s dwelling place.

11 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #87)

Genesis (Program #87) – Being Dealt With (8)

Our story of Jacob, the picture of transformation continues today in Genesis 31.  With Jacob, this process seems to be life-long.  But I heard Christians say that transformation will take place in the twinkling of an eye at the Lord’s return.  Isn’t there a verse in the Bible that confirm this understanding?

10 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #86)

Genesis (Program #86) – Being Dealt With (7)

We will be again on Jacob’s dream on Genesis 28 to see the intrinsic significance of the dream that the Lord give him in this chapter.  We have already touched this, but because of its significance of the first appearing in the Bible of the House of God.  It’s probably worth another look.

10 Jun 2023 John (Program #36)

John (Program #36) – The Dispensing of the Triune God for the Producing of His Abode (4)

This is so critical for our experience of Christ to continually say, “Lord Jesus, I love you.” And according to these verses, when you tell the Lord that you love Him, He says “I will love you also, and My Father will love you. I will manifest myself to you. And, not only that, the Father and I will come to you and make an abode with you.”

Thus far, we’ve seen that John 14 is a very mysterious chapter. In verse 2, the Lord says, “In My Father’s house are many abodes”, and this verse has been misinterpreted and misunderstood by many people. What we have seen from the Holy Bible is that the Father’s house is the Church. 1 Timothy 3:15 tells us the Church is the house of the living God. And, in the Church, which is the Father’s house, are many abodes. These many abodes are the many members of the Church as the body of Christ, who are the many dwelling places of Christ. Each believer in Christ, as a member of His body, which is the Church as the Father’s house, is a dwelling place to Christ…

09 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #85)
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Genesis (Program #85) – Being Dealt With (6)

These chapters, chapter 30 and 31 of Genesis, we are going to see a very interesting story.   But our focus is not just the story, we are discovering the principles of life in all these passages in Genesis.  What is the background of our life study today regarding Jacob and his experience with Laban?

09 Jun 2023 John (Program #35)

John (Program #35) – The Dispensing of the Triune God for the Producing of His Abode (3)

People think that the Lord Jesus has gone to prepare a big mansion for us in heaven. As though God had two dwelling places, or two buildings, God only has one building. Not one on heaven and one on earth. He has one building.

This chapter (John 14) is very mysterious I admit, and it’s very misunderstood. But, this chapter is really the last message that the Lord gave to His disciples. And, here He’s talking about going away. Many people misunderstand this. But, He’s just talking here about His going to the cross. And, when He goes to the cross, He is also promising that He will come again. His coming again of course is after His resurrection. He will come back to them. And when He comes back to them, He will be the Spirit because in His resurrection He becomes the life giving Spirit.

08 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #84)

Genesis (Program #84) – Being Dealt With (5)

Today’s study brings us to chapter 29, a very interesting chapter in Jacob’s life.

We have come now quite a way with Jacob and by this time he has left home and he is on a journey to go to his uncle Laban.  His mother has worked out a lot of details for him to get away from his brother, who is kind of a threat to him, even to his life.  But the mother has, I would say manipulated the situation to get her favorite son free from Esau’s threats and arrange him to go back to the land of her family, particularly to her brother’s place to find a wife from their own kindred.  So he left, he is on his way now in chapter 29 and he gets right to the place where there is a well….

08 Jun 2023 John (Program #34)

John (Program #34) – The Dispensing of the Triune God for the Producing of His Abode (2)

Most Christians think that the Father’s house is heaven, or a heavenly mansion. But, I hope that those who are listening would come to the Word again to see what the Bible says that the Father’s house is.

In the last message, we saw that there are two major sections to the Gospel of John. The first section is the eternal Word incarnated to bring God into man. And, this is a marvelous section. Especially we saw from Johns 3 through John 11 how when God as the Word becomes flesh to bring God into man. He is the very divine, eternal, uncreated life of God to meet the need of every man’s case.
