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19 May 2023 John (Program #15)

John (Program #15) – The Need of the Moral People – Life’s Regenerating (2)

Today, when we would repent and lift up our heart and look at the very Jesus crucified on the cross, what would happen to us? I tell you, sin would be removed and the serpentine nature would be dealt with. And, Satan would be destroyed, and we will have life eternity.

Regardless how cold you are or how bad you are, as long as you are a human being, you need to be terminated. And, you need to be germinated. Germinated with what? Germinated with the divine life. You need another life. To get another life, you need another birth.

19 May 2023 Genesis (Program #64)
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Genesis (Program #64) – A Defeated Righteous Man

Today we are coming to a chapter in the Bible, that in one sense may be easy to skip over, Genesis chapter 19.  It is easy to skip because it seemingly such a negative one.  But really God doesn’t waste anything in the divine revelation does He?

18 May 2023 John (Program #14)

John (Program #14) – The Need of the Moral People – Life’s Regenerating (1)

Regardless of how cold you are or how bad you are, as long as you are a human being, you need to be terminated. And, you need to be germinated, germinated with the divine life.

Life meeting the need of man’s every case. From chapter 3 through chapter 11, altogether John, the writer, selected 9 cases from many, many things done by the Lord, maybe thousands of cases. But, John only selected 9 of so many cases to illustrate how the Lord as life can meet the need of every man’s case.

18 May 2023 Genesis (Program #63)

Genesis (Program #63) – A Glorious Intercession

Today we have another marvelous life study concerning our dear friend now Abraham.  We got to know him quite well in these recent studies.   Today the topic is intercession.  What is intercession?  How important is it to the accomplishment of God’s purpose?

17 May 2023 John (Program #13)

John (Program #13) – Life’s Purpose

Let the enemy do whatever he can, but whatever he does would just afford a chance for the Lord to do something more in resurrection.

In the changing of water into wine, we have seen the principle of life, that is to change death into life. Now, in the dealing of the temple, we can see the goal, the purpose of life. That is to build the house of God. This section of the Word is so short, but it has two aspects, which both are quite meaningful.

The first aspect is the cleansing aspect, and the second is the building aspect. With the temple of God, there is a need of these two aspects, the cleansing and the building. God’s enemy, Satan, always tries two things to damage or to frustrate the temple of God. Number one, to contaminate it, dirty with so many sinful things. So, this is why the house of God needs the cleansing. Number two, God’s enemy, Satan, always will try to damage, to tear down the temple of God. Today, with the Church life, it is the same. Satan always tries to get the Church life contaminated, dirtied with so many worldly things, sinful things. And then, Satan will always try to damage, if possible to tear down the Church life.

17 May 2023 Genesis (Program #62)

Genesis (Program #62) – Communion with God on the Human Level

Today is another message that will be an absolute delightful to anyone who loves the Word of God.  We are in Genesis 18 and we are about encounter a wonderful scene between Abraham and a special guest.

16 May 2023 John (Program #12)

John (Program #12) – Life’s Principle

One day your human life will run out, and the enjoyment will be over.

Chapter one gives us an introduction to the whole book. And, we have seen the introduction starts from eternity past and ends with eternity future. And in between, as we have seen, there is the bridge of time on which 5 main events transpire to accomplish God’s eternal purpose. We have seen this clearly. Now by the way, I must point out to you that John tells us that the Lord Jesus did lots of things. Thousands of things. But out of the thousand cases, John, the writer, only selected not more than 12 events. From chapter three through chapter eleven, it is so clear that there are 9 cases. From Nicodemus to the resurrection of Lazarus. Altogether 9 cases, plus 1 in chapter two. The changing of water into wine…

16 May 2023 Genesis (Program #61)

Genesis (Program #61) – Circumcision for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose

Today we have a message entitled “Circumcision for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose”.  We have seen so much in the past programs through Abraham’s experiences and his dealings with God.  And now today we have a very foundational word on circumcision.  Why did God wait until this point in Abraham’s life to bring in this matter of circumcision?

15 May 2023 John (Program #11)

John (Program #11) – An Introduction to Life and Building (7)

God drove His economical car from the first section of eternity through the time bridge to the last section of eternity. By driving through the bridge, He got everything finished.

We still have another message for chapter 1. This message in a sense is a kind review of what we have seen already. But, some different aspects are shown up in this message. Chapter 1 reveals to us two sections of eternity. In the beginning was the Word. That was the eternity in the past. At the end of this chapter, the Lord says, “you will see the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man”, and that we all know will happen in eternity future. In eternity past, Christ was merely the Word, and the Word was God. And, God by that time had only divinity, nothing human. By that time He didn’t have the humanity what He had was just divinity.  But in eternity future, His main aspect will be, not the Son of God, but the Son of Man. If He’s not the son of God, He could never be life to us. If He is not the Son of Man, He could never be the essence for the building of God. For life to us, He has to be the Son of God. For the building of God, Christ has to be the Son of Man. The Son of God is for life and the Son of Man is for building…

15 May 2023 Genesis (Program #60)
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Genesis (Program #60) – The Unveiling of the Divine Title and the Changing of Human Names for the Fulfilling of God’s Purpose

As we saw in our last program there is a transition taking place in chapter 17 in what God is working into Abraham through His many dealings with him…
