Blog Archives

12 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #48)

Acts (Program #48) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (14)

The book of Acts is a unique book in all of scripture. Unveiling, not the Christ of the Gospels in its earthly ministry, but the Christ in resurrection: living, working, and spreading through His members as the Church was established in the remote regions of the inhabited earth in the first century.

The life study of Acts is the basis of our program today. This week, we’ve been seeing the second great missionary journey, as it’s called, of the Apostle Paul. We begin the life study of Acts by seeing that Acts is a book of the propagation of the resurrected and ascended Christ through His disciples…

11 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #15)

Exodus (Program #15) – God’s Further Training of Moses

God’s calling of Moses is the most complete call in the Bible.  Moses took God’s word, and did all that God had charged him to do.  However, things did not turned out as Moses expected.  To his surprise, he was defeated, Pharaoh was victorious and the children of Israel suffered all the more.  For this reason, he complained to the Lord in Exodus chapter 5 saying “why is it that You sent me?  Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has mistreated this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all.”  Have you ever brought such a charge against the Lord?

We want to continue today to look at how God further trained Moses, His called one.  This is critical to us because we have been seeing the calling of Moses very much represent our own calling by God.  Yesterday, in fact we saw that the first two items that God brought to Moses in this further training were His name and His covenant.

11 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #47)

Acts (Program #47) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (13)

Ancient Athens was the cultural, scientific, and philosophical center of the earth and at its center was Areopagus, or Mars Hill, where all the great thinkers of the day wield away their time with new thoughts and enticing notions. They even had a statue erected to the unknown god. The Apostle Paul chose such a spot to declare to these learned, but spiritually blinded men that the God that was unknown to them was not only known to Paul and by Paul, but could also be known by them.  Stay tune for a remarkable and fascinating life study of the Bible.

10 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #46)

Acts (Program #46) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (12)

Once the Gospel of Christ emerged from Judea, it quickly spread into the continent of Europe. The great cities of the day became the stage from which the Lord Jesus, through primarily the apostle Paul and his co-workers, presented the all-inclusive Christ in resurrection. But, at each new place, fierce opposition soon appear, the opposer’s keen ability to twist and distort the message of life in Christ was a continual frustration to the brothers. The stories are immensely interesting but the lessons for us are the real value. Stay with us for another revealing life study of the Bible.

10 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #14)

Exodus (Program #14) – Jehovah’s Name and His Covenant

In Exodus, the Lord sent Moses to Pharaoh to demand that Pharaoh release God’s people from slavery.  But rather than yield to God’s demand, Pharaoh rebuffed, even humiliated Moses, a man of God.  A predictable discouragement followed and Moses complained openly to the Lord.  But the Lord shows this critical moment to reveal Himself to an even greater way to Moses, His called one.  Have you seen Jehovah, the great I AM in the midst of your setbacks?  Stay with us, as we get another view of our Savior God on today’s life study.

This is a very precious word today.  Moses was sent by the Lord to Pharaoh to make God’s demand to release the people known.  But he is rebuffed by Pharaoh and no doubt he was expecting a much different outcome.  At the end of chapter 5 he revealed his discouragement to the Lord and then the Lord responded by revealing His name to Mose. more…

09 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #45)

Acts (Program #45) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (11)

To suffer persecution on behalf of Jesus is not uncommon. Believers have experienced this glory from the first century. We may think that the Biblical pattern for such suffering is to bear it humbly, meekly, as a lamb led to the slaughter. The Bible does show us such examples, but there are other examples completely different attitude for the sake of the Gospel. We will see one such example on today’s life study of the Bible.

09 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #13)

Exodus (Program #13) – God’s Demand and Pharaoh’s Resistance (1)

During the captivities of God’s people, Israel, God had near direct dealing with the tyrannical Pharaoh as he held God’s people in against God’s demand to let them go.  Pharaoh in this ancient story represent God’s enemy, who resisted God’s demand and refused again and again. This story depicts not just the situation in that ancient time, today’s Pharaoh is still resisting God and occupying God’s people with so many distracting and enslaving items.

Today’s broadcast again brings us to the Old Testament book of Exodus.  As we look at this well-know battle between God and His enemy.  A battle that occupy some 10 chapters in Exodus.

In the section today covering God’s dealing with Pharaoh, many people know this passage of the Old Testament or at least some of the items in it.  But we will see something today that will be very fresh, very connected to our own experience of the Lord.

08 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #12)

Exodus (Program #12) – The Three Stations in Fulfilling God’s Purpose

As the children of Israel were called by God in Exodus 3 to make their exit or exodus from Egypt, they were directed to 3 different stations that will ultimately be a part of their journey.  First to the wilderness, then to a mountain and finally to a land flowing with milk and honey.  These stations represent 3 stages in the journey of all God’s people.  What stage are you at?

Our message today gives us an overview of the book of Exodus and a picture or series of pictures, depicting the various stages in our Christian life.  To see these stories form the Old Testament in such a way is to bring real spiritual light to us and illuminate the way more clearly for us to go on with the Lord is really the point of this whole life study.  It seems that Witness Lee has no heart just to study the Bible in the way of history or doctrine.

08 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #44)

Acts (Program #44) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (10)

If we were embarking on a mission to preach the Gospel, surely we would expect the Holy Spirit to assist us, even empower us. But, did you know that the book of Acts tells of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus even forbidding the Apostle Paul from doing just that? It’s a surprising story that’s full of spiritual insight when we dig into it. Stay with us for a rich and enlightening life study of the Bible.

07 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #43)

Acts (Program #43) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (9)

The Apostle Paul began the second of his great missionary journeys on a contentious note.  A serious dispute aroused between he and Barnabas, his close co-worker and the one who initiated him into the ministry.   The lessons that are seen in this account in Acts chapter 15 hold much help and insight even for us today, if our heart and spirit are open to see and hear God’s speaking from His faithful and holy Word.
