Tag-Archive for ◊ dust of the ground ◊

28 May 2022 1 Peter (Program #14)

1 Peter (Program #14) -Growth in Life and Its Results (4)

The Bible in both the Old Testament and New tells us that man was formed of the dust of the ground and even as living creatures, we all are but clay in the hands of God. Yet the apostle Peter in his epistles boldly declares that we have become living stones useful in building up God’s house.  Chapter 2:5 of his first epistle says “You yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”  I think we can all easily relate to being lumps of clay but it may be more difficult for us to relate to being living stones, useful for God’s building and precious.   How is it that such a transformation from clay to precious stone is possible?  Peter in both his words and by example of his own spiritual progress gives us a marvelous pattern.

15 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program #20)

Hebrews (Program #20) – The Remaining Sabbath Rest (3)

We mustn’t just dream about the oneness that God desires. For Him to have a full Sabbath rest there is much more than just being saved by His grace. There must be some growing believers who could enter into the rest that is spoken of in Hebrews chapter 4. The Sabbath is a rest or satisfaction for God and man. But God can never rest in the heavens nor just with the angels, His resting place is the earth and with man. We will see three stages of the remaining Sabbath rest on today’s life study of the Bible.

Why the initial Sabbath came directly after God created man?   What is the connection between man and the Sabbath? In all of God’s creation man is unique. Man has to do with the earth. All the items of creation up to the creation of man were brought into being by means of His word, that is, calling things not being as being through the Word. In the first five days of His creation work, God did not use any kind of material substance. But with the creation of man, because God’s interest is in the earth, God first had a conference among Himself (among the Godhead) where there was a decision, “…let Us make man”. Then God at this time used a certain material – the dust of the ground – to create man. more…
