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28 Jan 2023 Daniel (Program #11)

Daniel (Program #11) – The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (3)

After a victorious testimony of overcoming in the first six chapters of the book of Daniel. God came in to show Daniel vision after vision concerning the world situation.  Why did God showed Daniel all these visions recorded in chapter 7 through 12?  In our life-study today of chapter 8 of Daniel, we will be addressing this question.

Throughout the ages, Israel has suffered a great deal because of the fighting between the three great empires seen in the vision in Daniel 2.  The Medo-Persians empire, the Grecian empire and the Roman empire.  Of all these, the center of their fighting is Israel.  Israel has been through the ages of battleground and due to this fighting it been difficult at times for Israel God’s elect to be something truly according to His eternal economy.  In our program today, we will see the vision Daniel saw in chapter 8.  A vision concerning a ram and a male goat with its successor.
