Blog Archives

10 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #5)

Romans (Program #5) – The Vanity of Religion and the Totality of Hopelessness

Paul is saying here, “My gospel is for God’s economy, but to do that, you don’t need religion. It’s not a matter of outward practices, it’s not a matter of just not doing or doing certain things – it’s a matter of getting into God’s salvation.”

We are going to look today at God’s condemnation as is presented in Romans chapter 1. Why is it important for mankind to have a realization of God’s condemnation? more…

09 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #4)

Romans (Program #4) – The Source of Wickedness and the Way of Restriction

We can be protected so that for the sake of God’s interest, God’s purpose – yes, for the sake of the divine romance, we may be preserved vessels that the Lord can train, fill, and use, to fulfill His heart’s desire of a bride, a wife, for eternity.

We have a message today that includes a strong section on God’s condemnation. We know that as believers in Christ, we have been saved from God’s condemnation, so why we are going back today to see the source of wickedness and the way of restriction?… more…

30 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #66)

Acts (Program #66) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (32)

God’s faithful servant, the Apostle Paul, remained in the custody of the Roman governor in Caesarea for two long years. Though this may have seemed like a waste to have the mighty Apostle detained. In God’s economy, it proved to be a most profitable use of his time. We invite you to journey with us back to the first century as it’s unfolded in the pages in the book of Acts on today’s life study of the Bible.

03 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #39)

Acts (Program #39) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (5)

The book of Acts has been studied throughout the centuries primarily as a book of history, the history of the early Christian Church. But, beyond this kind of surface examination lie the great and profound insights into God’s economy, His purpose as it relates to His plan and His dealings with man. This deeper exploration of one of the great books of scripture continues on today’s life study of the Bible.

24 Jun 2023 John (Program #51)

John (Program #51) – Life in Resurrection (2)

We should treasure the way the Lord has ordained to be present with us now. May the Lord really open our eyes: that what is precious to God, that is the invisible, indwelling, pneumatic Christ, would also become precious to us.

In John 20 as in the Gospel of John as a whole, we see the Trinity both in His essence and in His economy. The Divine Trinity is a trinity of essence eternally that is the Father, Son, and Spirit coexist and co-inhere in the Godhead eternally. This is the Trinity in essence. But in order to have the fulfillment of God’s economy, the essential Trinity must function as the economical Trinity to pass through the process in order to, on the one hand, enter into God’s people, and on the other to bring God’s people, now redeemed and regenerated, into God. By the time we reach chapter 20, we have at least the initial completion of this process in which the very God who became a man and died for our redemption, in resurrection became the Spirit, so that, economically speaking, the Father, Son, and Spirit may indwell us.

22 Jun 2023 John (Program #49)

John (Program #49) – Life Processed for Multiplication (4)

Let us all let the wind blow where it wills. And, instead of trying to systematize or schematize the experience of the Spirit, let’s experience the Spirit for the carrying out of God’s economy, letting God truly be God.

John 20 is in many respects, a chapter of realization or actualization. By using these terms, I’m trying to say, that in this chapter we have the reality in actual experience of what the Lord revealed concerning His process elsewhere in the Gospel. He made it emphatically clear in chapters 14 through 16 that He needed to go, that is, die on the cross, and come again, that is come into the disciples as the pneumatic Christ in order to indwell them. He had, as the first half of the Gospel emphasizes, become flesh and tabernacled among human kind. But, God’s goal is to be in His chosen and redeemed people, not merely among them.

16 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #92)

Genesis (Program #92) – Being Transformed (1)

Today we are coming back to the goal and the subject of the entire Bible.  There is a definite focus in this program, the life study of the Bible; to see that every portion of the Scriptures is consistent and always leading to one goal and one purpose.   This really is the Bible isn’t it?

12 Jun 2023 John (Program #38)

John (Program #38) – The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation (2)

When He speaks to us, we have to keep it. When His word abides in us, then right away, we are abiding in His love. So, just by saying Amen to His speaking, love will fill us, and we will find the prevailing way to love the Lord Jesus and abide in His love.

The very striking point in John 15 to me is the illustration of the vine and the branches. There’s no other plant that could adequately illustrate the life flow that exists between the Lord and His believers. The Lord said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” Could any other illustration make it more clear? Then, what God is producing is an organism, not an organization. The “I am” here is Christ when He said, “I am the vine.” And, the “you are” is that part of the vine known as branches. Christ, the Son, is the very center of God’s economy, and He’s also the embodiment of all the riches of the Father.

02 Apr 2023 Luke (Program #33)

Luke (Program #33) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (13)The story of the prodigal son as presented in Luke 15 is perhaps one of the most popular stories in the New Testament.  There are surely aspects of the story of a wayward son who comes to realize the benefits of his father’s house that he had rejected in his youth that most us can relate to.  But much more if  the Lord in His mercy grant us eyes to see we can realize depth and aspects of God’s full salvation from the story that are not so clearly seen in nearly any other portion of Scripture.  Stay with us today as we look at the prodigal son through the lens of God’s economy.

12 Mar 2023 Zechariah (Program #15)

Zechariah (Program #15) – The Prophecies of Encouragement (6)

We all have our own favorite verses throughout the Bible. For many of us, some of our favorite verses are found in pages of the Old Testament. And we tend to avoid the Old Testament often in terms of its bigger meaning because it does seem to be somewhat veiled and obscure. However, the real meaning of all of our verses in the Old Testament match that of the revelation in the New Testament. And, that is that at the heart of God’s desire is an economy. In the life study of Zechariah, God’s economy is summarized: “The center of God’s economy is to have a Body to express Christ. Eventually, this Body will be Christ’s Bride to match Him as His counterpart and to come down to earth with Him to carry out the final step of God’s economy. Today, the world situation is ready for His coming, but the Lord has not yet gained His counterpart. Therefore, He has no way to come back. He is still waiting.”
