Tag-Archive for ◊ God’s image ◊

23 Feb 2024 Romans (Program #65)

Romans (Program #65) – Transformation and Conformation by the Grafted Life (1)

Today we would see although God created man in His own likeness in Genesis, still we would need the process of transformation and conformation to express Him as the sons of God.

Most of us recall the account of creation in Genesis that man was created in the image of God  and with His likeness,  the real purpose of this similarity between man and God is what we are exploring on today’s life study.

In Romans 12 we see the words, conform and transform and we are going to see there is definitely linkage between what the apostle Paul developed in Romans and the marvelous way that God created man in His own image. The obvious question is why are we created in God’s image? more…

27 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #11)

Genesis (Program #11) – God’s Restoration and Further Creation (6) – Ultimate Consummation

Our last program centered on Genesis 1:26 and two words were introduced and that we are going to come back to today; image and dominion.

This verse is so meaningful it may rightly be called one of the most important verses in the entire Scriptures, especially in the Old Testament. In this verse, we have a two-fold revelation of why we human beings were created by God. First we were created in God’s image to express Him. Second, we were given God’s authority, in deputy form to exercise dominion over His enemy that there will be a peaceful situation on the earth for the God of glory to express Himself. These are some of the riches embodied and implied in this marvelous verse, Genesis 1:26.

12 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program#17)

Hebrews (Program #17) – The Good Land for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose

The good land typified in the Old Testament is profoundly related to God’s eternal purpose to have a corporate expression. Hebrews 2:5 says, “For it was not to angels that He subjected the coming inhabited earth concerning which we speak.” Though we may long for heaven, it is the earth, the land, the good land that has occupied God from the ages for His purpose. We will see all this land typified in today’s life study of Bible.

Though we’re in the midst of the life study of Hebrews, today we’re going to touch many points that we first touched in the life study of Genesis for those that were with us at that time. What is the basis or the ground to draw upon the pictures that were presented in Genesis in order to help us with the book of Hebrews?

As we will soon see this particular message connects as the Bible does the matters of the land, Christ and God’s chosen people. In Genesis 1, we have these three matters either stated or implied. The land is obviously signified by the dry land that emerged from the dead waters on the third day. This dry land, the sphere for the living of the human beings created by God typifies Christ in resurrection. Significantly as Genesis 2:7 reveals, humankind was created from the dust of this land. more…
