Tag-Archive for ◊ God’s presence ◊

27 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #109)

Exodus (Program #109) – The Altar of Burnt Offering (6)

On one end of the tabernacle was the Holy of Holies with the Ark of the Testimony.   This piece of furniture was the very spot where God dwelt with man and where He could meet with man and speak to man.  At the opposite end in the Outer Court of the tabernacle was the altar of burnt offering.  This spot represents the very redeeming Christ who died for us and became the ultimate offering to God for man’s sin.  These two items in the tabernacle represent the two most powerful aspects of the Christian experience; Christ’s redemption and God’s presence.

The message we are talking about is going to bring us into an appreciation of the altar and its relationship to the Ark of Testimony that we covered a few weeks ago…

15 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #50)

Exodus (Program #50) – Brought into the Presence of God and into the Knowledge of Him

In the Old Testament book of Exodus, the Lord first saved His people, brought them through a kind of baptism and then provided them a full provision for their living and sustenance.  Ultimately, He led them into victory over their enemies.  All in all we would say “if only I experience God to this degree I’d be satisfied.”  But all of those was preliminary.  For God’s desire was to bring them to a place where He can enter into a sweet and intimate contact or fellowship with Himself.  We should never be satisfied with our Christianity until we have God’s speaking.  Stay with us for this marvelous life study of the Bible.

We’ve come to a turning point in our broadcast.  We’ve just finished our first section of Exodus.  In that section God has been very active among His people.  But it’s in the second section of the book that He really bring them to His purpose and His intention.

07 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #1)

Psalms (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

Most believers are seem to have a particular love for the book of the Psalms. The Psalms, far more than just a random collection of Bible stories and doctrines, actually flow out of the deep feelings, expressions and experiences of godly men. And what flows out of these ones?  Though at times reflecting their human thought and concept, at other times expresses the deep and profound thought of God directly. God’s speaking through this book is full of the divine revelation and if we possess the keys to enter into this divine revelation, the Psalms will become even more precious more enlightening and will usher us all into God’s presence, His heart and especially His heart’s desire.

03 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #39)

Hebrews (Program #39) – The Type of the Old Covenant and the Reality of the New Covenant

Today we will see that the Holy of Holies has been made open for every Christian to enter in, to know God’s presence and to hear His speaking.

Hebrews is a book of comparisons between the Old Testament and the New. The comparison of the Old Testament tabernacle with the real tabernacle today, the place of God’s presence and glory is our focus. Throughout Hebrews we are continually presented with items/features from the Old Testament and then shown them in their New Testament reality. Today, we’re going to see the tabernacle in such a light.

02 Apr 2022 Deuteronomy (Program #11)

Deuteronomy (Program #11) – The Rehearsal of the Law (4)

The matter of God blessing His people is so often spoken of in Christian circles these days. Popular books, detailed the right prayer to pray with the latest method of bringing ourselves into a place where God can bless us.

Surely, God does desire to bless His people, perhaps you pray such a prayer of faith and God had answered you with some material possession. But if the Lord would mercifully open our eyes we would see that even in the Old Testament book like Deuteronomy, the highest blessing for God’s people is just Christ Himself and that we would hold Him fast and live in the sweetness of His presence.

02 Mar 2022 Numbers (Program #12)

Numbers (Program #12) – Journeying (2-3)

Once God’s people were properly arranged according to their families and rated around the perimeter of the tabernacle, God’s presence overshadow them as a visible cloud.  His presence also filled the Ark of the Covenant within the tabernacle.  These two items provided guidance and leading to the children of Israel.  When the cloud was taken up, the people prepared to load up the tabernacle and their personal possessions to follow the cloud in a general way as their guide.  But it was the tiny Ark that became their particular leading, leading them through the treacherous wilderness and finding the appropriate resting places.  A forty-year journey under the guidance of the cloud and the leading of the Ark

26 Mar 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #7)

2 Corinthians (Program #7) – The Ministry of the New Covenant (3)

You probably remember the story of Moses coming down from Mt.Sinai after having been in God’s presence when he received the ten commandments. His face was shining so brightly that he had to put a veil over it before he can encounter the rest of the children of Israel. That shining was the outward reflection of God’s glory. A shining reflected off of Moses face. But as marvelous as that shining was in 2 Corinthians Paul calls it a fading glory. And rightly so, because in a very short time it was gone from Moses face. Actually this shining represents the glory of the Old Testament ministry. A ministry of as Paul called it “death and condemnation”. No wonder this glory fades.

But the New Testament ministry that Paul declares to us in 2 Corinthians is more in glory, an unfading, eternal, surpassing glory, that shines not just upon us but even out from within us, as the New Testament ministers.
