Blog Archives

09 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #3)

Psalms (Program #3) – Christ in God’s Economy versus the Law in Man’s Appreciation (2)

The Bible is not an ordinary book.  Though it surely contains a lot of history, we should not read it as a history book. It also contains scores of moral and behavioral imperatives but we should not take it as a book of ethics.  Neither should we approach the Bible as a book of philosophy . Because beyond all of these things, history, ethics, philosophy, The Bible is in its’ essence, God’s own breath revealing the Christ of God enable to convey God Himself as life into those who come to seeking nothing else but His very person.

12 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #1)

Ezra (Program #1) – The Need of a Return from Captivity

The history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament gives us a picture of the church today in the New Testament.  And today what we want to look at is the picture of the children of Israel going into captivity and the recovery out of that captivity.  Today when God’s people are defeated in their spiritual life they remain in captivity until they repent and have a turn back to Him.  This repentance brings us back to the enjoyment of Christ.

11 Jul 2022 1 & 2 Chronicles (Program #1)

1 & 2 Chronicles (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

The 12 books of history in the Old Testament occupy an unique portion in the Holy Scriptures.  They give us the story of God’s chosen race Israel in some of their glorious times as well as show us the degradation and fall of God’s people to their lowest condition overtaken by idolatry and the hardness of their hearts.  Ten of these books deal almost exclusively with Israel, God’s chosen people in the Old Testament.  But the two books of Chronicles show us not only God’s move within the history of Israel but also His move within the history of the entire human race.

To fully understand the burden and get into the heart of these books, we need what the Apostle Paul prayed for in Ephesians and that is a spirit of wisdom and revelation and that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened that we could see how these are not just books of history but how these books are books of types and pictures that can more clearly reveal to us the very center of God’s heart desire, His eternal economy which is fully centered and focused on the excellent Christ.

09 Jul 2022 1 & 2 Chronicles (Program #9)

1 & 2 Chronicles (Program #9) – A Concluding Word to the Supplement to the History of the Kings of Judah

The kings of Judah were faithful to Jehovah, at least in part they held on to Jerusalem, the ground that God had given them for their worship.  They also kept allegiance at least outwardly to the word of God, which was His law.  The law of Mose, in two sections was God’s way in the Old Testament of both exposing man as well as revealing the divine plan for man to express God, bear His image and be His testimony.  In the end, God’s people, Israel were unable to keep either the moral law of God, the ten commandments or the ceremonials of God.  And the result was that they eventually lost the good land entirely and lost their enjoyment of God’s portion.  This is a strong warning to us but also as we look into these two aspects of the law, there is a great hope and we hope to bring that out in today’s program.

25 Jun 2022 1 & 2 Kings (Program #14)

1 & 2 Kings (Program #14) – The Reign of Jehoahaz, Jehoash, and Jeroboam over Israel

In reading the Old Testament it’s easy to become lost at times in page after page of history because much of the Old Testament is devoted to telling this history, the history of God’s people Israel in both their triumphs and in their many failures.  To study it in this way does have some values, but if that is the extend of our realization of the Old Testament, we will miss a lot.  In fact, we will miss the Lord’s burden for us in that portion of Scriptures.  For both the Lord Jesus Himself in His direct speaking concerning the Old Testament and the apostle Paul in example after example of how he applied the Old Testament made it clear that in reality the Old Testament is a book of types and symbols that if properly understood reveal Christ to us in marvelously clear pictures that can often convey more of the spiritual reality than even the direct and condensed passage of the New Testament.  One of the great types of Christ in the books of history surely is the prophet Elisha, who typified Christ in his living, his ministry and as we will see today even in his death.

05 Jun 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #23)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #23) – The History Concerning David (10)

In 2 Samuel, David becomes secure and well established as the one king over all the tribes of Israel. As king, he’s prosperous, respected, loved, and secure from his enemies, even admired by the surrounding nations. In this situation, David’s true heart is clearly manifest. What he desires to do is to do something for God, even to build God a dwelling place in Israel. But having such a one on this earth whose heart was fully one on its own, Jehovah responds to David’s expression of wanting to do something for Him in a most surprising way.

Listen to this passage from 2 Samuel 7:

“Thus says Jehovah, Is it you who will build Me a house for Me to dwell in? For I have not dwelt in a house, since the day I brought the children of Israel up out of Egypt to this day; but I went about in a tent and in a tabernacle. more…

02 Jun 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #20)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #20) – Lessons of the Five Major Figures

The books of Samuel in the Old Testament are among the top concerning the history of God’s move with his people. Many stories in these two books that we learned as children, perhaps, and have treasured our whole lives, but these are more than stories, their invaluable to us as illustrations of the main items of God’s economy. Five main persons are spoken of in first Samuel. And their lives reveal to us item after item of how to maintain a proper relationship with God, God’s economy, and to enjoy Christ. If we remember these five persons and the lessons that their lives reveal, we will have our own enjoyment of Christ enriched and our participation in God’s economy strengthened.

26 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #13)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #13) – The History Concerning David (1)

When the children of Israel asked God for a king, He responded by giving them Saul, a tall, handsome, capable man who also was victorious over the Israel’s enemies. God’s intention was that Saul would use the kingship to build up God’s kingdom, but it soon became clear that Saul’s intent was different. Yes, He desired to build a kingdom, but not God’s kingdom. What Saul sought was to build a kingdom for himself under the guise of God’s kingdom. Of course the Lord knew Saul’s heart, and he moved secretly and quietly behind the scenes to prepare a king for Israel that was of His choice, and who would build up God’s kingdom, and even pave the way for Christ, the King, to eventually be brought forth. Who was this one chosen by God? Well, let’s turn to the book of Ruth chapter 4, “And Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed, and Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David.”

20 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #7)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #7) – The History Concerning Samuel (4)

Through Moses and his brother Aaron, God established the priesthood in Israel.  These priests all in the linage of Aaron continued for nearly 500 years.  The final priest of the Aaronic priesthood was Eli. But by his time the priesthood had become stale and had waned.  God desire to  move in a new and fresh way among His people. But to accomplished His move He needed to turn the age and initiated a new priesthood and raised up prophets in Israel and even established the kingship which would paved the way for Christ to be brought forth. The one that God chose at that time for this major turn in His move was the young boy Samuel.  Samuel become the first among a new priesthood and he also become the first prophet of Israel and he ushered in the kingship by establishing David both to be the king and to be the ancestor of the coming Christ.

17 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #4)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #4) – The History Concerning Samuel (2)

In the days of the Old Testament priest Eli, the priesthood among God’s people Israel was waning and has become stale.  The situation was deteriorating and yet God desire to move on the earth even to change the age.  But rather than doing something miraculous from the heavens God did what He has always done when He desires to go further with His purpose and move on the earth. He found persons that would  co-operate with Him, that would be one with Him.  In this instance, He found a weak and fragile and suffering sister among His people, named Hannah. Her co-operation was to pray a prayer that matched God’s need and God’s desire.  And from this prayer came a son, Samuel whom the Lord’s used not only to turn that age but ultimately to bring in David and help to bring forth Christ. In God’s move He always limits Himself to work and co-operation with man.
