Tag-Archive for ◊ immeasurable ◊

21 May 2023 John (Program #17)

John (Program #17) – The Need of the Immoral – Life’s Satisfying (1)

Many people today have a hunger inside of them. They can’t be satisfied. So the second need of man after we receive the eternal life is to enjoy eternal life, and to drink of the eternal life until the eternal life becomes in us a well of water springing up.

In yesterday’s broadcast, Witness spoke from John chapter 3, concerning the increase of Christ and the immeasurable Christ.  Today we continue our life study of the gospel of John with the case of the Samaritan woman in chapter 4, showing how the divine life meets the need of the immoral by the satisfaction of the living water.

14 Dec 2021 Colossians (Program #35)

Colossians (Program #35) – The Receiving of Christ

There’s a seemingly simple verse in Colossians 2 that says, “As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him.” Well as I said, this verse seems simple. But consider for a moment, the Bible says that Christ is the very God. It also says that His dimensions surpass even the Universe itself. So just how is it that a simple man of limited proportions and capacity can receive, even contain, this vast immeasurable and all-inclusive Christ who is the very mystery of God.

04 Sep 2021 Ephesians (Program #69)

Ephesians (Program #69) -Experiencing the Riches of Christ

Ephesians Chapter 3 is a remarkable Chapter in all of Scripture. For it tells us that the immeasurable, unsearchable and unlimited Christ has now become so close, so intimate and so personal to us that He is actually making His home in our hearts.

This Chapter also tells us that this one is unsearchably rich. In fact it’s by our experiencing Him in this unsearchable riches that bit by bit, day by day, He is able to spread Himself into all the regions of all our inner being. This is the Christ that Paul presents to us in the book of Ephesians. And it is the very Christ that Paul himself experienced and described in many of his other epistles. We will consider the unsearchable riches of Christ on our program today.
