Blog Archives

18 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #42)

Isaiah (Program #42) – The Servant of Jehovah Revealed in the New Testament Economy

Nearly everyone know something about Christ.  There is a kind of natural understanding of Christ that is common to humans everywhere.   Many people consider Him as a great man, great spiritual leader or a teacher.  Such superficial knowledge can began from even a casual reading of the Old Testament.  But portion of the Old Testament such as chapter 53 of Isaiah reveal Christ of God’s economy.  The Christ of our salvation, the Christ that gave immeasurable pleasure and delight to God the Father and willingly and humbly going to the cross to die so that God may have many sons brought forth.  May the Lord grant us the grace and wisdom to present such a Christ to you today on this life study of the Bible.

17 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #41)

Isaiah (Program #41) – The Servant of Jehovah, the Arm of Jehovah, the Reigning God, & the Exalted Christ in Relation to Israel’s Return & Restoration

Isaiah beseech the Lord in chapter 51 of his prophecy, “Arise, arise! Put on strength, O arm of Jehovah; Arise as in the days of old.”  Surely God has done many mighty things for His people throughout ages.  As when He dried up the Red Sea for them to walk through as they escape from Egypt.  But to us Christ is also the arm of Jehovah; releasing us and rescuing us from our captivity.  Staying with us for another encouraging and uplifting life study of the Bible.

16 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #40)

Isaiah (Program #40) – The Servant of Jehovah to be God’s Full Salvation

In both Isaiah 42 and 49 Christ, the servant of Jehovah is presented as a covenant and as a light to the people of God.  A covenant and a light, why are these two linked? Are they linked in other passages of the Bible?

15 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #39)

Isaiah (Program #39) – The Servant of Jehovah as a Covenant and a Light

A classic hymn of the Christian faith written by one of the giants in ages past asks the question “and can it be that I shall gain an interest in the Savior’s blood?”  A resounding “yes” shall be our instantaneous reply.  That is if we have realized that all that God has promised even guaranteed to us.  We gladly present this binding guarantee from the pages of Isaiah on today’s life study of the Bible.

14 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #38)

Isaiah (Program #38) – The Servant of Jehovah as Typified by Cyrus, Israel and Isaiah

On one hand, Christ and the church of God are uniquely New Testament.  The term and historical placement of Christ and His church fall beyond the scope of the Old Testament Scriptures.  Yet as surely as God is in Christ, Christ and the church are clearly seen in passage after passage of the Old Testament as well.  If not directly then how do we see Him and how do we know the church?  We have delighted in bringing you the Christ found in the writings of Isaiah.  We look forward to bringing you to another revelation from Isaiah today and that of His church, His House on this life study of the Bible.

13 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #37)

Isaiah (Program #37) – Jehovah the Savior

The word “gospel” means glad tidings or good news.  Isaiah chapter 40 declares “Go up to a high mountain, O Zion, who brings glad tidings; Lift up your voice with power, say to the cities of Judah here is your God.”  As if to serve God on a fine platter to mankind, Isaiah 40 is truly a deep and profound presentation of the glad tidings.  Stay with us today as we examine one of the most magnificent chapters in Scripture on life study of the Bible.

12 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #36)

Isaiah (Program #36) – A Crown of Glory and a Diadem of Beauty…

Many lovers of the Bible consider the Old Testament book of Isaiah as the fifth gospel.  This is because it reveals Christ the Savior in such a magnificent manner.  With just a little help, the passages of Isaiah open up like flowers in the morning sun.  Stay with us today as we together receive this help and we will be treated to an extraordinary enjoyment of Christ on this life study of the Bible.

11 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #35)

Isaiah (Program #35) – What Christ is as the Steward in the House of God, Typified by Eliakim

Sometimes a picture says far more than words.  We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  But sometimes we may stare at a picture and not know what it is we are looking at.  For most of us when we visit a great art museum, we would need a guide, a master to show us the real beauty of what we are beholding.  Isaiah is a book of great treasure; pictures of our precious Jesus in all the details.  Can you see Him?  Stay with us today as we again join our guide too see the marvelous Christ unfolded from the pages of the Old Testament prophet of Isaiah on the life study of the Bible.

10 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #34)

Isaiah (Program #34) – The King Reigning in the Tent of David, the Eternal Rock, a Savior

“Then will a throne be established in loving kindness and upon it One will sit in truth in the tent of David, judging and pursuing justice and hastening righteousness.”  Surely there was a king ruling from the throne in the tent of David in Old Testament time.  Interestingly, the tent of David with its kingly throne reappears in the coming kingdom age.  But does the tent of David have to do with us today?

09 Nov 2022 Isaiah (Program #33)

Isaiah (Program #33) – The Springs of Salvation

In the Bible, water is used as a picture of how God conveys even flows His divine life into man.   There are numerous such references in both the Old and New Testaments.  In the gospel of John, for example we hear Christ Himself proclaimed “out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.  In the Old Testament, the book of Issac also contains many references to this living water.
