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16 Mar 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #17)

1 Corinthians (Program #17) – The Church, God’s Farm, God’s Building (2)

The believers in Corinth in the early church were rich in many things. They have received the initial gifts of the divine life and the Holy Spirit. They were enriched in all knowledge and they even have many miraculous gifts in their midst.  Yet Paul referred to them as infants or babes in Christ. How could that be with all that God had given them?   Primarily is because they neglect the mater of life and growing spiritually in the divine life. So, the apostle Paul points out to them in clear types and pictures the importance and necessity of the divine life.

Listen again as his words are so full of references to life and growth:

3:5-9 “What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Ministers through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to beach one of them. I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth.  So then neither is he who plants anything nor he who waters, but God who causes the growth.  Now he who plants and he who waters are one, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.  For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s cultivated land, God’s building.”

22 Sep 2022 Proverbs (Program #5)

Proverbs (Program #5) – Touching the Word of God by Our New Man

The book of Proverbs is a wonderful collection of gems of wisdom concerning nearly every aspect of human life. As such, people of many persuasions appreciate Proverbs and often quote these nuggets of wisdom. While we’re thankful for such a book in the Bible, it also presents a dilemma. And that is that an ethical person, even one who has no personal knowledge or experience of our dear Saviour Jesus, can apply these moral precepts to build himself up and enhance his fallen human life. While we may say that society would surely benefit if all men practice these principles and employ the wisdom expressed in Proverbs, yet God’s goal of bringing us, His children, not into an improved condition but into a new creation will be no closer to reality. While we extol God for the wisdom of His word, our real need is not self-improvement but rather that we put off our old man and put on the new man.

15 Jun 2022 2 Peter (Program #5)

2 Peter (Program #5) – The Divine Provision (5)

2 Peter 1 leads us through a wonderful progression or development of the precious faith that Peter mentions to us in his first epistle.  This faith, our divine inheritance is like a divine seed imparted or planted into our being.  As with any seed, deep within resides all the attributes of the life of that seed.  Peter clearly tells us that the life in the seed of faith is the very life of God.  It’s Christ Himself.  So the attributes which Peter goes on to describe are the marvelous virtues of God’s life as expressed in Christ.  Following this line these verses in 2 Peter open to us the progressive development of the divine life within the seeker.  As we move from faith to virtues to knowledge to self-control to endurance to godliness and then to brotherly love with the final stage of this life maturity being the very agape love, God’s own love being expressed.

15 Dec 2021 Colossians (Program #36)

Colossians (Program #36) – Christ Replaced in Every Way

Three important books in the New Testament are 1 Corinthians, Galatians and Colossians.  It’s interesting to know that all three of these letters written by the Apostle Paul were sent to the churches largely because the believers in these places had allowed things other than Christ to replace Him in their experience.  With the Corinthians it was gifts and knowledge.  With the Galatians, religion had replaced Christ and with the Colossians, it was their top culture.  All good things yet all had replaced Christ.  How about us?  Have we allowed things other than Christ Himself to become our focus?

09 May 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #51)

2 Corinthians (Program #51) – Paul’s Vindication of His Apostolic Authority (6)

The church in Corinth was born directly out of the ministry and care of the apostle Paul.  Yet later, many of the believers there were affected negatively towards him because the accusations of false prophets that had come into Corinth, in an effort to draw the church away from their enjoyment of Christ and back to the Old Testament practice of law-keeping.  These ones claimed that they were the real apostles and that their knowledge and gifts far surpassed those of Paul’s.  So because many in the church were confused and no one stood up for Paul to make his case, Paul himself was compelled in the final chapters of this book to make his own “boast ” and to defend his own apostolic authority.  What he revealed to the church in Corinth in chapter 12 is some of the most remarkable speaking in all of the New Testament, for Paul himself tells of the incredible and mysterious vision that the Lord had permitted him to see in an effort to rescue the Corinthians.

23 Mar 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #4)

2 Corinthians (Program #4) -Introduction (4)

Have you ever noticed a married couple that’s been together for a long long time and they know each other so well that they seems to be an unspoken communication between them. It seems that the one can tell how the other feels just by a glance into their face. This is really a blessed state of marriage to arrive at. But more importantly it demonstrate a very special intimacy and knowledge of one another. It is just this kind of tender and intimate knowing that the apostle Paul was referring to in 2 Corinthians chapter 2:10 “But whom you forgive anything, I also forgive; for also what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, it is for your sake in the person of Christ;”

This phrase “in the person of Christ” can also be translated as “in the face of Christ” and it implies the most intimate knowledge of another person.

01 Jan 2013 The Mystery of Human Life

Have you ever felt unsatisfied, let down, even empty, after you got what you thought would make you happy?

You are not alone. This puzzling feeling has been known to strike the most accomplished and wealthy people as well as the less accomplished and less wealthy. In fact, King Solomon had it all—a kingdom, untold wealth, profound wisdom and knowledge—yet after pondering his life, he said that there was nothing new under the sun. Everything was vanity.

It is as if something compels us to find the elusive missing piece. We may pursue a successful career, meaningful relationships, material possessions, or even fun and entertainment. But nothing cures that mysterious empty feeling way down inside. Why do we feel this way?

The Bible shows us that God created man with three parts. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says: “May your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete”. It is clear that we are not just a physical body made up of atoms. We also have a soul to think, feel, and choose. Yet hidden deep inside of us is a third part: our spirit. This God-designed third part has a specific capability. Our spirit can contact, receive, and experience God. more…