Blog Archives

18 May 2023 John (Program #14)

John (Program #14) – The Need of the Moral People – Life’s Regenerating (1)

Regardless of how cold you are or how bad you are, as long as you are a human being, you need to be terminated. And, you need to be germinated, germinated with the divine life.

Life meeting the need of man’s every case. From chapter 3 through chapter 11, altogether John, the writer, selected 9 cases from many, many things done by the Lord, maybe thousands of cases. But, John only selected 9 of so many cases to illustrate how the Lord as life can meet the need of every man’s case.

11 May 2023 John (Program #7)

John (Program #7) – An Introduction to Life and Building (3)

The message we have covered tells us that Christ, as the Word, came as life and light for the purpose to produce many children. Keep this clear point within you deeply. John chapter 1:4 tells us that Christ as the Word, which was God Himself, came as life to us and as light shining with us for the purpose to produce, to bring forth many children of God, that God may have the enlargement, that God may have a corporate expression. This is revealed in the first 13 verses in chapter 1.

10 May 2023 John (Program #6)

John (Program #6) – An Introduction to Life and Building (2)

God is a mystery, but Christ is the Word of God. And, this Word defines God, explains God, and expresses God. So, this Word is the definition of God, and the explanation of God, and also the expression of God.

So eventually, this Word was God. Just God Himself. But not God hidden, not God concealed, not God mysterious, but God defined, God explained, God expressed. Not unseen God, but the seen God. Not the God invisible, but the very God so visible. This is the Word.

09 May 2023 John (Program #5)

John (Program #5) – An Introduction to Life and Building (1)

John’s ministry is a mending ministry, to mend the Church which is a net. The net has been torn. It is in need of mending. Even today, I think we all agree the Church has many holes, tears, and needs mending.

08 May 2023 John (Program #4)

John (Program #4) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (4)

You have to remember the first section of this book (John) is to bring God into man, and to declare God to man. This is the first section. Then the second section is to bring man into God.

We come to the position of John’s writings in the scripture. First of all, we have to realize John’s ministry is a mending ministry. When John was called, he was not fishing there; he was mending the net. When Peter was called, Peter was fishing, but John was mending. So in the later ministry, Peter did a lot of fishing. Peter brought in the people, but eventually it was John that mended the heavenly net. John’s ministry was a mending ministry, and this mending was one with life. Only life mends. Only life covers all the holes of the heavenly net…

07 May 2023 John (Program #3)

John (Program #3) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (3)

The central thought of the scripture is life and building. What is life?  What is building? Firstly, life. God’s creation was centered on life. This has been fully revealed in Genesis chapter 1. And number two, man was placed in front of the tree of life, indicating that God wanted man to take it as life. This is revealed, thus, in two verses: verses 8 and 9 of chapter 2 of Genesis. Number 3, the Old Testament saints enjoyed God as their life.  Psalms 36:9 says “With Thee, there is the fountain of life.”..

05 May 2023 John (Program #1)

John (Program #1) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (1)

In today’s program, we like to see something from the whole Bible. The Bible is a book of two things. Many of you would say Christ and the Church. The two things are not Christ and the Church, but life and building. Christ is life and the Church is building. If you don’t realize that Christ is life and the Church is building, when you say Christ and the Church, it is just a kind of doctrine. When we say Christ, we mean life. When we say the Church, we mean building. What is Christ? Christ is our life. What is the Church?  The Church is God’s building.

27 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #27)

Luke (Program #27) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (6)

Consider for a moment the religions of the world whether or not you agree with the various approaches in teachings, it’s fair to say that all religions begin of good intentions and noble ideals.  But inevitably, one common condition befalls all religions over time – hypocrisy.  The difference between those high ideals and teachings and the eventual practices and living of its adherence.  The one striking exception to this universal is the life and the living of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His living on earth was in stark contrast to the hypocrisy of the religion of that day and the reality of His divine life live out in His members remains in the same contrast today.  As we fellowship on chapter 12 of Luke and three warnings that we are going to get into today.

18 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #2)

Genesis (Program #2) -The General Sketch and Central Thought (2)

The real focus of not only Genesis but the whole Bible is life.  It begins with life and ends with life.  The light that we received in this life study of Genesis will bring out all the seeds of the truth that is unfolded throughout the Bible.  Everything here is opening up that this is a book of life.  When we touch the Bible at any point, If we really touch the Lord Himself as life we will be very much nourished.

When we come to the Bible we have to realize that every book has been breathed out by God.  We have to say “Lord I want to touch You, as I read this book I want to contact You.”  I realize now that the book of Genesis is really also a book of life, not just a book of stories, not just of lives of man but the book of life itself, which is God Himself breath into this book and now when we breath Him in as we read this book we really get a supply of the divine life.

14 Mar 2023 Malachi (Program #2)

Malachi (Program #2) – Christ in His Two Comings as Revealed in Malachi

Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament and it’s also the last book of the minor prophets. Today, we are going to touch Malachi – the center of the book of Malachi is the healing Christ. This healing Christ is the Messenger of God, the Angel of the Covenant and the Desire of the Nations. The whole earth is filled with death and injustice but with the healing Christ we have life and justice.
