Blog Archives

30 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #21)

Leviticus (Program #21) – The Law of the Sin, Trespass, Peace Offerings

It’s not difficult for us to consider as law, the Ten Commandments given through Moses. However, we might find it hard to regard the law as something that concerns our enjoyment of Christ.  We may think that if there’s a law concerning the enjoyment of Christ, there could not be any enjoyment. Our eyes are about to be opened to realize that our enjoyment in experiencing Christ as life is regulated according to the law of life.

It helps to realize that we have five basic problems -we are not absolute for God, we never could be God’s testimony, what we are is just sin, what we do is nothing but commit sins and trespasses, what we never could have is peace with God.  Hallelujah for Christ! Christ is the burnt offering who is absolute for God. When we enjoy Him, God accepts us and we are satisfaction to Him. Christ secondly is the meal offering who is perfect, fine, even, balanced, proper man filled with divinity to be God’s testimony. Christ is the sin offering who became more…

27 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #18)

Leviticus (Program #18) -The Trespass Offering for the Sin of God’s People

God appointed specific offerings in the Old Testament with meticulous details but how many of us has scratched the surface on their meaning.  How does the trespass offering in Leviticus apply to our christian life today?  The trespass offering leads us into a lot of rich enjoyment of Christ. This is the point of all these offerings.  That they would lead us into a richer and deeper enjoyment of Christ…

24 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #15)

Leviticus (Program #15) -The Sin Offering Christ for the Sins of God’s People (1)

Studying many of the books of the Old Testament can be somewhat a tedious task for some people.  Even those who loves God’s Word find it difficult to get through various books of the Bible.  Leviticus with all the details it offers on the various offerings that were prescribed in the Old Testament can be such a book.   The key is to see Christ as the reality and fulfillment of all these Old Testament pictures.

20 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #11)

Leviticus (Program #11) – The Practical Experience and Enjoyment of Christ as the Offerings

The Old Testament established a definite principle that sinful and fallen man must have an offering before coming into God’s presence.  In Leviticus and other Old Testament books sacrifices of animals and grain were prescribed by God.  But what about now?  Has God’s principle been abandoned?  Is it acceptable to approach Him empty-handed?  Or do His people still need an acceptable offering to come into God’s presence?

18 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #9)

Leviticus (Program #9) – The Meal Offering Christ for the Satisfaction of God’s People Enjoyed together with God (2)

The offerings that were made in the Tabernacle and later on in the Temple were very important aspect of the Jewish religion of Old Testament.  But Christ as the real Lamb of God and as the real Bread of Life fulfills all of these offerings in full.  As the Lamb He is the genuine burnt offering and as the Bread of Life He is the real meal offering to be enjoyed both by God and man.

17 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #8)

Leviticus (Program #8) – The Meal Offering Christ for the Satisfaction of God’s People Enjoyed together with God (1)

What is it to worship God?  Well, for man’s side it is obvious worship takes many form and it is practiced in countless ways with all manner of rituals.  But what about from God’s side.  Does the Bible reveal what God is looking for in real genuine worship?  To see this more clearly we really should go back to the Old Testament books like Leviticus where elaborate details are given to us in the form of the offerings that took place in the Tabernacle and later on in the Temple.  Of course the age of the offerings have long since passed but the reality of these offerings must be the focus of all our worship even today.  This reality is the very Christ whom God has given to us to experience and enjoy.

16 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #7)

Leviticus (Program #7) – The Burnt Offering Christ for God’s Satisfaction (5)

The types in Leviticus have just been marvelous concerning Christ as the reality of the offerings.  We will see more of Christ as the reality of the burnt offering. The striking thing about the burnt offering is that it was uniquely for God; whereas the other offerings there was a portion both for God and the priest.  This one is specially for God and His satisfaction and that represent Christ in His absoluteness. He is really the only one that is absolute for God.

It is marvelous to see that the Christ who lives in us is our burnt offering.  This offering was offered wholly up to God for His good pleasure and satisfaction. This indicates that Christ specially in His human living was absolute for God. He was God’s delight and He lived a life that was absolutely for God’s satisfaction…

13 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #4)

Leviticus(Program #4) – The Burnt Offering Christ for God’s Satisfaction (2)

Many Christians pass over the fine points in this book, but the Lord has revealed many details of our precious Christ in Leviticus.  Most believers in Christ today know that Christ is the Lamb of God but not many had heard the details of the sacrifice that’s offer to God as described in Leviticus chapters 1 through 7.  As we touch an unique picture of our experience of Christ as it’s revealed in the Old Testament sacrifices.

The book of Leviticus shows us the way God’s people were to worship Him and then as a result of their worship of God they live a holy life. So these things are portrayed in Leviticus.  According to Leviticus to worship God is not just to bow down and to recognizes how awesome and mighty God is. But to worship God is to contact God and to enjoy Christ together with God. This may be a different definition of worship than many Christians have heard but this is the real worship that’s revealed in the Bible more…

12 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #3)

Leviticus (Program #3) – The Burnt Offering – Christ for God’s Satisfaction (1)

“…Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” This popular verse from Hebrews chapter 10 is commonly used but seldom understood in its real context – and that is of Christ replacing the Old Testament offerings. Stay with us today as we once again look at the picture of Christ as the Lamb of God in our life study of Leviticus.

The last 2 programs really were both introductions: firstly, to the book of Leviticus and then to the five major offerings which typify Christ in this book. We’re going to touch these offerings.  The focus today will be on the burnt offering.

At the end of the book of Exodus, we do see that the tabernacle is built. But now in Leviticus we see not only that the tabernacle is built but the living God is living in that tabernacle. And, He has provided the offerings for us, as His believers, to enter into the tabernacle – to have fellowship with Him, to contact Him, to enjoy Him and eventually, we see through typology, that it all leads to Christ and the experience of Christ…

11 Jan 2022 Leviticus (Program #2)

Leviticus (Program #2) – A General Definition of the Offerings

Because Christ is so wonderful and all-inclusive, plain words are just not adequate to revel Him and describe Him.  Types which are actually pictures are also necessary.  Both the tabernacle and the offerings in the Leviticus are types of Christ.  As we look at these types or pictures that we see of Christ in the Old Testament.
