Blog Archives

08 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #33)

Psalms (Program #33) – The Saints’ Deeper Experience of God in the Identification with Christ

The book of Psalms actually a collection of 150 Psalms of poetry, prophecies and hymns show us many aspects of the Christian walk by ways of types and symbols.  Aspects of Christ in His suffering for example, in His death on the cross, His resurrection, ascension and even enthronement are seen in rich details in the Psalms.  But there is another aspect, perhaps the deepest experience of God that is also revealed yet seldom spoken of from this book and that is that Christ took God the Father as His very habitation.  What does this mean?  More specifically, what does it mean for us?  We will fellowship the matter of God’s habitation today.

07 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #32)

Psalms (Program #32) – Christ versus Restoration of God’s People, Personal Salvation, and Release from Sufferings

God has purpose, an economy.  If we have ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking then we can see this plan is centered on Zion with Christ, love by God in Psalms 87.  Christ as God anointed to possess the entire earth in Psalms 89.

06 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #31)

Psalms (Program #31) – A Supplement to Message Thirty-Two on Psalm 84

Psalms 84:1-4 say “How lovely are Your tabernacles, O Jehovah of hosts! My soul longs, indeed even faints, For the courts of Jehovah; My heart and my flesh cry out To the living God.  At Your two altars even the sparrow has found a home; And the swallow, a nest for herself, Where she may lay her young, O Jehovah of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will yet be praising You.”

05 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #30)

Psalms (Program #30) –  The Psalmist’s Love for the House of God with Christ

Psalms 84 is a lovely expression of the Psalmist’s intense love and longing for God’s house.  “How lovely are Your tabernacle.” he writes.  “Oh Jehovah of hosts, my soul longs even faints for the cores of Jehovah.”  As this wonderful Psalm develops it becomes clear just what it is regarding God’s house that draws him so.  For it’s here, in God’s habitation which in His time was the tabernacle but today we realizes it’s the church that we find Christ.  It is Him that we long for and desire above all else.  Of course, this Psalm also shows us that on the way to God’s house, the journey brings us through many stations, like a valley of weeping and eventually to the two altars that reside in the tabernacle,.

04 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #29)

Psalms (Program #29) – The Way of Restoration—Exalting Christ

For most believers the Christian life is one of peaks and valleys.  At times we may be carried in a marvelous and victorious condition with little or no self effort.  At other times we are dried, weary and easily overcome.  In the historical record of the Bible, we can see that God’s people corporately go through similar ups and downs.  But from their experience, we may be able to learn some wonderful keys to help us deal with our own period of spiritual desolation and even we might be brought into a full restoration.

03 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #28)

Psalms (Program #28) – The Desolation of God’s House and Christ as the Solution

The apostle Paul writing in his epistle to the Colossians is the very interesting phrase related to the Holy Word, the Bible.  He told them that God had imparted to him the task of completing the Word of God.  Actually we know from history that there were other books added to the canon of Scripture that were written after Paul’s fourteen epistles.  So we need to understand Paul’s word in the sense that his writings were a conclusion not to the written record but to God’s divine revelation.  The books that came later like Revelation and John’s epistles merely strengthened and confirmed that divine revelation.  All this is to day that the divine revelation has a progressive aspect to it.  more…

02 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #27)

Psalms (Program #27) – The Suffering Christ and the Reigning Christ

The Psalms are wonderful portion of God’s word.  They are treasured by countless lovers of God and His Holy Word.  In this collection of poetry, praises and hymns is found a wide range of expressions.   We might turn to our favorite Psalms during times of trial or suffering and seek comforting words.  And surely many of the Psalms do convey such comfort and solace.  But at their height or peak are those Psalms that clearly and definitely reveal Christ in much detail and richness.  For those Psalms preceded the incarnation of the God-Man Jesus by many centuries.  The eternal Son is clearly found in the Psalms, if we know where to look and how to recognize it.

01 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #26)

Psalms (Program #26) –  Christ as the Center of God’s Move on the Earth

Did you know that the book of Psalms actually contains 150 different Psalms in all?  So many poetic and prophetic utterances.  Of course, as we have seen, some of these Psalms have a very high and profound content expressing the divine thought revealing Christ in brilliant detail.  Others are not so high.  In fact some are very low in the thought that they convey.  Bit by bit as we read and study this book, we can learn to cultivate a taste for the high peaks contain in the Psalms.  Perhaps the highest peak of all in the divine revelation of Christ in the book of Psalms is found in Psalms 68.  This oft quoted Psalm actually begins with a quotation of its own.  David the Psalmist quotes Moses from Numbers chapter 10 “as he sets out with the completed tabernacle to lead the children of Israel away from Sinai and ultimately into the good land of Canaan with the ultimate destination being Zion in the midst of Jerusalem and the cloud of Jehovah was over them by day when they set out from the camp”,  Moses writes in Numbers 10.  “And when the Ark set out, Moses said, Rise up, O Jehovah, and let Your enemies be scattered; And let those who hate You flee before You.”

31 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #25)

Psalms (Program #25) – The Pious Expressions of the Psalmists Uttered Out of Their Complex Sentiments While Enjoying God in His House

It’s always remarkable isn’t it, how an expert gemologist is able to exam what may to the untrained eyes appear to be just an ordinary stone or rock.  But to his trained eye, is the realization that he is holding something of great value.  The ability to distinguish the rare gem from the ordinary is primary a matter of training and experience.  Knowing what to look for is the key and having a master to point the way is indispensable.   In many ways, this our life study of the Psalms.  150 poems, psalms and praises many of which are full of gems.  Many others are full of ordinary and more common expressions.  But the question is, can you tell the difference?  How we thank the Lord for those experienced masters that have gone before and who have left us with so much help to learn how to spot the gems.

30 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #24)

Psalms (Program #24) – Three Categories of Persons Regarding the Enjoyment of God in Christ

To study the Psalms it’s helpful to know their arrangement, many of the Psalms are grouped for us in order to help our understanding.  Psalms 49, 50 and 51 form such a group and show us three categories of persons in their experience and enjoyment of God.  Those depicted in Psalms 49 actually do not have God as their enjoyment but rather are those who put their trust in riches, in their wealth.  Such one missed the real experience and enjoyment of God.  Psalms 50 show us ones who call on the Lord according to His covenant.  This is to call on the Lord Jesus Christ as our mediator between us and God and surely result in deep enjoyment.  Finally Psalms 51 shows us a person in the full realization of his sin.  Repenting, confessing even begging God’s cleansing, forgiveness and washing.  This Psalms give us a real pattern of genuine repentance and will lead us into a richer and deeper experience and enjoyment of God.
