Blog Archives

20 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #34)

Matthew (Program #34) – The Establishment of the King’s Rejection (2)

The gospel of Matthew reveals the kingdom of God.  This kingdom is the sphere or realm of God’s ruling and it has fully existed in the heavens from eternity.   But the real burden of this book is to show us that God’s desire is not just to have His kingdom in the heavens but for the reality of this kingdom to come to earth.  Getting God’s kingdom to earth is no simple matter.  Today we will see that it cannot come without the fighting and warring of His people against His enemy.

As we look at spiritual warfare from Matthew 12…

19 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #33)

Matthew (Program #33) – The Establishment of the King’s Rejection (1)

Matthew chapter 11 concludes with the Lord Jesus calling all the ones that are burdened and toil to come to Him for rest; “My yoke is easy and My burden is light”.  This is His promise.  This wonderful promise is then followed by sequence of events that brings in the complete rejection of the King by the religious leaders of Judaism.  We will look how all these events are actually very closely related on this program today.

17 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #31)

Matthew (Program #31) – The Result of the King’s Ministry

By the time we come to chapter 11 of the gospel of Matthew, there are three ministries present; the ministry of the Lord Jesus, the ministry of John the Baptist, and the extension of the Lord’s ministry through His disciples.  Yet all three of these ministries are suffering rejection and persecution.  We are going to look at the rejection of the ministrie of the New Testament in today’s life study of the Bible.
