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12 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #154)

Exodus (Program #154) – The Ingredients of the Compound Spirit Typified by the Compounded Ointment

At the time of the New Testament, there were many teachings regarding Christ.  Was He God or just a man?  Or was He a God-man, possessing both divinity and humanity?  The speculations then were not that different than they are today.   How can we be sure that we are not being led astray in our understanding and knowing the truth?   Well 1 John in the New Testament gives us the key and Exodus chapter 30 gives us the picture of the very Christ as God intends us to know Him.  You won’t want to miss today’s life study of the Bible.

12 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #94)

Exodus (Program #94) – The Lampstand (3)

The types and pictures seen in Exodus have long been wonderful material for Bible study. Many of the deepest teachings and doctrines of the Christian faith can be seen theses types, but the real significance of these items may surprise you.  Stay with us today for a rich and enlightening life study of the Bible, as we continue to explore the book of Exodus in the light of our own Christian experience and not merely teaching and doctrine.

We mentioned our experience of Christ in the opening and how it related to the mysterious golden lampstand.  But not to alarm anyone, the experience of Christ that we are going to talk about really is not that mysterious.  It is actually the normal Christian experience.

27 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #27)

Luke (Program #27) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (6)

Consider for a moment the religions of the world whether or not you agree with the various approaches in teachings, it’s fair to say that all religions begin of good intentions and noble ideals.  But inevitably, one common condition befalls all religions over time – hypocrisy.  The difference between those high ideals and teachings and the eventual practices and living of its adherence.  The one striking exception to this universal is the life and the living of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His living on earth was in stark contrast to the hypocrisy of the religion of that day and the reality of His divine life live out in His members remains in the same contrast today.  As we fellowship on chapter 12 of Luke and three warnings that we are going to get into today.

29 Jan 2023 Mark (Program #29)

Mark (Program #29) – The Preparation of the Slave-Savior for His Redemptive Service (3)

During the period of His gospel service, the Lord Jesus was traveling from Galilee first north toward Caesarea Philippi and Mount Hermon.  Then returning south all the way to Jerusalem. With Him on this long journey which took roughly three years were a small number of faithful disciples particularly Peter, James and John were with the Lord step by step.  And thorough out this period they witness first hand all the items, including the miracles, the teachings, the healing and His dealing with the religious opposers.

As those who desire to know Him and to know His word richly today, we need to realize that this long journey and all these events were not random. From the beginning the Lord’s intention was to arrive at Jerusalem, the religious, cultural and governmental capital.  For it must be in Jerusalem during the specific month and even on the appointed day that He would be offered up as the Lamb of God to accomplish His all redeeming and all-inclusive death.  But we also need to realize that all the preceding event were part of the Lord’s preparation and in addition for the real preparation of His disciples not just to be witnesses but to be those who would pass through His death and enter into the reality of His resurrection.

28 Jan 2023 Mark (Program #28)

Mark (Program #28) – The Preparation of the Slave-Savior for His Redemptive Service (1) & (2)

At the end of a nearly three years long journey with His disciples the Lord Jesus at the end of His gospel ministry makes a triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Just six days before the time of His sacrificial death on the cross the Lord Jesus surprises His disciples confounds His opposers and thoroughly captivated the hearts of the people of the great city of Jerusalem.

During these final days, Jesus was finished performing the miracles, the great teachings, the casting out of demons even the healing and the cleansing of lepers. For now He is totally focus on the preparation necessary for His death, His burial, His resurrection and ultimately His ascension.  Mark chapter 11 gives us a marvelous account of these six days of preparation.

23 Sep 2022 Proverbs (Program #6)

Proverbs (Program #6) – The Detailed Precepts for Man To Live a Proper Human Life (2)

The book of Proverbs is a collection of gems which are detailed precepts for man to live a proper human life. Today we are going to use the majority of our radio program on the life-study of Proverbs to hear a reading of these gems categorized. Today we’re going to cover the second part of these readings entitled “Admonitions and Teachings”.

23 Jun 2022 1 John (Program #1)

1 John (Program #1) – A Word Concerning the Writings of John (1)

In all of the New Testament the writings of the apostle John are perhaps the most striking.  They are also the most mysterious because more than any of the other New Testament books, John’s gospel, epistles and his concluding book Revelation unveiled to us many of the divine and mystical things. His books are mysterious because they focus not on historical facts or on doctrines or on teachings but rather on the divine and mystical realm revealing Christ as the very divine life available for us to receive and experience day by day.

14 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #1)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

The Bible is the divine revelation, the word revelation according to the Greek means to uncovered or unveil something that had been hidden or concealed. Though the Bible contains teachings and truths on many levels, fundamentally this book conveys God’s eternal purpose that which God Himself desire in His heart in the eternity past above all else and planned even before He laid the foundations of the earth and the universe. Surely for us to see such a divine and eternal purpose we need more than our merely mental faculties. We need what the apostle Paul prayed for, so earnestly in his epistle to the Ephesians believers. He prayed that “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him.”  Welcome to our first life study from the book of 1 Samuel.

29 Aug 2021 Ephesians (Program #63)

Ephesians (Program #63) – Seven Aspects of the Church

Through out history if you look carefully, you will see that God’s enemy has focused his attack on the Church. He has work relentless to divide the Church and damage it with religion, organization and teachings that turn it away from the oneness Christ died on the cross to accomplish.

Surely if the Church is Satan’s focus, it must indicate that the Church is what he fears the most. This is not only reveal by looking at history, it is the central revelation of God’s word. “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against her”.  The Lord Jesus Himself proclaimed in Matthew 16 and one of the great prophecies in scripture. But to see how He will do this building work, we need the book of Ephesians.  Today we will consider 7 crucial aspects of the Church.

17 May 2021 Galatians (Program #4)

Galatians (Program #4) – The Revelation of God’s Son in Us

As Christians, we may read or even study the Bible. But when we do, what do we come away impressed with? Miracles? Inspiring stories or teachings? The central revelation of the entire Bible is Christ. The Apostle Paul says in Galatians that it pleased God to reveal His Son in me. Do you see this wonderful Christ throughout God’s Word? Please stay with us as we focus on the revelation of God’s Son in us on today’s life study of the Bible.
