Blog Archives

07 May 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #49)

2 Corinthians (Program #49) – Paul’s Vindication of His Apostolic Authority (4)

Remember back to the very first problem that affected mankind in the Bible.  It was the serpent tempting the woman to eat of the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life.  Now consider Paul’s word to the Corinthians addressing the impact that those claimed to be apostles upon them as they minister different Jesus to the believers in Corinth.  Chapter 11 of 2 Corinthians verse 3, “But I fear lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your thoughts would be corrupted from the simplicity and the purity toward Christ.” Paul’s fear was that the teachings of the so called apostles would have the same result as the serpent’s deception in Genesis 3, to distract the believers away from the enjoyment of Christ’s life and bring them to another tree, a tree that leads to death.

06 May 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #48)

2 Corinthians (Program #48) – Paul’s Vindication of His Apostolic Authority (3)

There were many problems in the church in Corinth, but through Paul’s first epistle most of the believers were brought back to the Lord and experience a further reconciliation.  One of the lingering problems, however he left it to be dealt with in his second epistle; this was the problem of his own apostleship.  When the authority of the teaching is in question in a local church, this can be a serious problem.  It’s interesting that Paul saved this problem for last to deal with.  We look at why as we explore Paul’s vindication of his apostolic authority on today’s program.
