Tag-Archive for ◊ ten commandments ◊

29 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #111)

Exodus (Program #111) – The Court of the Tabernacle (2)

The book of Exodus is the story of how God delivered His people out of their bondage and captivity. Eventually bringing them to the mountain of God to receive the ten commandments. Though this may have seemed like the high peak of their experience to them; to God, all of these was in preparation for the real peak – the revelation of the tabernacle, His building. How about us? Are we like the children of Israel concerned for our own well-being and personal spiritual mountaintop experiences or are we occupied with what occupies God?

01 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #83)

Exodus (Program #83) – The Vision of the Tabernacle and Its Furniture and Concerning the Materials and the Pattern (3)

When we consider the story of Moses on the mountain of God in Exodus, most recall that this was the time and place God chose to give the ten commandments, the law to man.  But the story does not end there, Moses lingered for 40 days and 40 nights.  After this extended period in God’s presence, Jehovah unveiled something even higher than the ten commandments.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible with Witness Lee.

Particularly, we are touching this matter of the tabernacle.  The tabernacle is not something that enjoys a high degree of understanding or interest among most Christian, to be honest.  Nevertheless, it is very crucial and important to God.

06 Oct 2023 Exodus (Program #71)

Exodus (Program #71) – The Implications, Indications and Significances of the Ordinances of the Law (2)

After the giving of the Ten Commandments in Exodus chapter 20, the Lord continued for 3 more chapters to give item after item of regulations regarding man’s relationships. These added items are called “ordinances”, many if not most, seem to us to have nothing whatsoever to do with us as New Testament believers. They deal with such things as treatment of slaves and the ancient feasts and rituals of Jewish religion; and, even such things as “not boiling the kid in its mother’s milk”. So how do we as Christians regard these Old Testament details? Do we just skip over and dismiss them? Or, in the light of God’s New Testament ministry, is there a real and meaningful application of these items for us?  We return once again today to the book of Exodus and the remarkable journey of God’s people out of their bondage of worldly captivity and through the wilderness.

We’re continuing today to look at Exodus chapter 22 and 23, chapters that as we said offer many items all contain in these ordinances that were supplements or additions to the basic ten Commandments that we’re all quite familiar with. In an earlier message, we heard that though we cannot directly see Christ in the ten original commandments, these supplemental ordinances contain all of the rich details of Christ – what do we mean by this kind of speaking? more…

02 Oct 2023 Exodus (Program #67)

Exodus (Program #67) – The Pollution Caused by Man’s Work and the Nakedness Exposed Through Man’s Way

Thoughtful people throughout the ages have always look upon the stars and the moon and even the marvel of God’s creation and realize that God must be there.  Must careful thought has been given to this matter over the centuries particularly the matter of worship.  Some of man’s most elaborate and magnificent achievement are devoted in some way or another to worshipping God.   But in this matter we must be clear.  God has no intention of leaving the way of man’s worship to His own devises.  God has reserved this for Himself and our part simply to open to Him and His Word for the clear understanding.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible with Witness Lee.

Yesterday we saw that following the giving of the ten commandments, the Lord began to add a great number of additional items called ordinances.  What was the point of these supplemental items and particularly the first few which we are going to look at again today?

27 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #62)

Exodus (Program #62) – The Negative Aspect of the Giving of the Law (2)

We’ve all heard of the ten commandments, that most well-known portion of the Old Testament.  Actually, the Bible is full of commandments far beyond those ten originally.  When God commands His people to do something, what response is He looking for?  You may well be surprised as we touch this intriguing question during the next 30 minutes.  Stay we us for the life study of the Bible with Witness Lee.

The ten commandments were delivered by God to Moses in Exodus chapter 19 and 20.  Moses in turn passed them on to the children of Israel, the Jews.  How God’s New Testament people, the Christians should relate to these commandments has been a topic of major discussions or even debates or sometimes controversy for all this past 20 centuries.  Why is it such a difficult issue for believer to deal with?

25 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #60)

Exodus (Program #60) – The Blessing Received by the Loving Seekers of God Through His Law as His Living Word (2)

In the Bible, God promises many different blessings to His people. We may seek outward blessings of material prosperity or physical health. But of all the blessings He may bestow on us, the highest blessing is that He would become our portion. What is it to have God as our portion?

We return again today to the book of Exodus, the remarkable journey of God’s people out of the bondage of the worldly captivity and through the wilderness.  We are going to divert a little bit today specifically in this life study of Exodus and spend most of our time at Psalm 119. This psalm fits very well into this examination of the law of God that was given in Exodus. There’s no portion of God’s word that speaks so exhaustively and completely concerning the law of God in Psalm 119.

We’re going to begin today by considering the law or the commandments from the point of view of a testimony – a testimony of a person that gives or makes the law. What does it mean that the law of God shows us God? more…

22 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #57)

Exodus (Program #57) – How the Old Testament Seekers of God Enjoyed His Law (2)

On the mountain of God in the wilderness between Egypt and Canaan, God gave the commandments to His people.  Yet if we would look at how the Lord give the law to His people, we would see the law came with God’s presence.  If we can come to His presence whenever we come to the Word, the Bible will be a much different book to us.

Again we’re going to look at the law of commandments or the ten commandments that were delivered to the people in Exodus 19 and 20.  Usually these commandments are thought of in a heavy and burdensome way but today’s fellowship is going to bring our listeners into a much different appreciation of the commandments.

19 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #54)

Exodus (Program #54) – Keeping the Law of God by Loving Him and His Word and Becoming One with Him (1)

We’re all familiar with the vows that are an important part of every wedding. Taken out of the context of the wedding, however, these vows can sound very much like restrictions, demands, or even laws. But in the context of the wedding, they become much less burdensome, and in fact are a testimony of absolute love and life long commitment. Have you ever viewed the laws and commandments given by God in this light?

It is revolutionary from the standpoint that it is not what many people understand when you say the giving of the law. Depending whether you’re Jewish or Christian, they could have different thoughts. But it centers around a pretty legal, judicial kind of understanding of God and of His demand upon man.

18 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #53)

Exodus (Program #53) – God Seeking Lovers in Giving His Law to His People

The law of God, or the ten commandments as they’re commonly known, can have a very unpleasant connotation. Usually, they represent a demand on us that we know we cannot meet. So like most things that we can’t handle, our tendency is to avoid them, or try to explain them away, or otherwise, distance ourselves. But rather than being something to create distance between God and man, God’s view of the commandments is that they would draw and bind man to Himself, even as the marriage vows bind a loving couple for life.

There is a marvelous revelation ahead of us here that’s thoroughly and absolutely grounded in the Scriptures. And when we compare scripture with scripture, and consider the giving of the law in light of the total divine revelation, especially concerning the divine romance, we have a wonderful and delightful surprise…

17 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #52)

Exodus (Program #52) – The Law Being the Living Word of God Infusing His Substance Into His Loving Seekers

Moses the man of God met with God on the mountain of God for 40 days.  During that time God gave him the commandments for the people.  But when he came down from the mountain he had something more than just ten commandments inscribed on two tablets of stone; he was a man who was thoroughly infused with God’s element.

This is our second of the thirty programs that are going to be devoted to this matter of the law.  I said that almost reluctantly that our listeners would think “my goodness thirty programs devoted to the law!”  But what we are saying in these early ones and it will multiply as we go on it’s just one marvelous interpretation after another.  This is really a classic message in a classic portion of this ministry.  The subject that we’ve come to today specifically is God’s giving the commandments to Moses in Exodus chapter 20. This is going to go far beyond our natural concept concerning the law.
