27 Jan 2024 Exodus (Program #78)

Exodus (Program #78) – The Blood of the Covenant (1)

All genuine believers in Christ who experienced redemption are familiar with and surely have a deep appreciation for the blood of Christ. But listen to Moses’ word in Exodus 24, “And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said, Here is the blood of the covenant, which Jehovah has made with you in accordance with all these words.”  What is the blood of the covenant?  Stay with us as we explore this divine reality and marvelous truth on today’s life study of the Bible.

We come again today to the broadcast, the recording actually in the holy land today from the hotel room in Jerusalem.

It’s good to be here especially here in Jerusalem. All the things we’re seeing here are just pictures of the divine realities in God’s economy. The listeners are in for real treat because we will see the highest function of the Lord’s precious blood in this broadcast.

This phrase the blood of the covenant is one that we need to pay attention to not only appears in Exodus 24, but the apostle Paul uses the term applying it to the new covenant in the New Testament. But we are going to see a marvelous picture today and how full it is.  As mention in the opening word, I think all of us as believers have an appreciation of the blood hopefully we all realize that without it we have no way to be forgiven of our sins. But what about this further term the blood of the covenant, what is that referring to?

As mentioned in the book of Hebrews 13 where Paul uses this phrase, the blood of an eternal covenant. And then Exodus 24:8 “behold the blood of the covenant” then also when the Lord instituted His table on the night He was betrayed He said “this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”  What we’ll see in this broadcast is when we said the blood of the covenant we were talking about is the highest function of the Lord’s blood when it is applied to us. On the one hand the Lord’s blood, by His blood and through the shedding of the blood He redeemed us, He purchased us with His own blood. #2 by the shedding of His blood and by our confession of our sins we were cleansed with the blood continuously of all our sins. We confess our sins He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from every sin. But there is even a higher function of the blood and this is the blood of the covenant. The function of the blood of the covenant is to usher us into God Himself. Through the blood we were redeemed, by the blood we are forgiven and by the application of the Lord’s precious blood to our being we are ushered in to God. We are ushered into Christ, Who is the reality of the new covenant.  This is why it is called the blood of the covenant.  The New covenant which the Lord enacted at the table, the reality of that covenant is God Himself. So what’s the application of the precious blood does Is that it ushered us into God Himself so that we may enjoy God in Christ as everything to us.

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